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buy a mac

MAC, when you want to pay more to be told what your allowed to use. Even apple took the 'computers' off of their name last year I think? They are not a computer company, they make MP3 players now, and apparently, phones.

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Buying a mac is like buying a harley, they worry more about looks than performance, and as dependable as they are, they cost 3x as much for similar capability...

and are built for people who have no idea what a computer can do, or how to do it.

I'm all about being user friendly, but jeez...

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eww. I'd rather have my bank account wiped clean than have to use a mac.


Damn things are expensive, you DO have it wiped to use one... LOL

+1 for PC/IBM More options for the "advanced" user, cheaper to purchase and use, more widely accepted formats...

I'm gonna catch shit for this... all the Mac fans I know foam at the mouth about their grand superiority... Oi vey...

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bash macs all you want and remember you get what you pay for. apple never took the logo off either btw. if you compare a mac to a pc and what you get, you would be spending close to the same. macs are just awesome out of the box, and yes very simple to use..thats why people love them, plus you dont run bullshit windows.a mac is hands down better :D

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Linux FTW

Mac's have their place..but it is an expensive and niche place to be. They are easy to use machines, and aren't for people who want to take total control of their systems. In the publishing world, Macs rule. When it comes to horsepower, gaming, widespread use in the office..well PC's are king. Yes, MS makes a bug filled shitty OS, but they do have domination in those markets. I love Linux, but there needs to be some cohesion in the distro world. The one thing that makes Linux great is the one thing that will keep it from mainstream use. Then again..I kinda like it being outside the mainstream.

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Buying a mac is like buying a harley, they worry more about looks than performance, and as dependable as they are, they cost 3x as much for similar capability...

and are built for people who have no idea what a computer can do, or how to do it.

I'm all about being user friendly, but jeez...

good comparison :lol:

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mac: want to make a movie, click on the camera icon, now follow the prompts...you've just made a movie YAY!

harley: want to take off from a stop light on our new xr1200, just release the clutch, it's got too much torque at idle to stall, we put a 100 tooth rear sprocket on it...

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