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How NASA might build its very first warp drive


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See, I thought that if you could manipulate the mass to zero then an object would require almost no energy to bring up to speed, due to e=mc(squared), so you could just continually manipulate the mass to keep up with your energy.


I'm not talking about the amount if energy required to get either to their top speeds. I'm just saying, without utilizing the warp theory, the fastest you can go is the speed of light. thats it.


but with warp you can "go" much, much faster

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I'm not talking about the amount if energy required to get either to their top speeds. I'm just saying, without utilizing the warp theory, the fastest you can go is the speed of light. thats it.


but with warp you can "go" much, much faster


Aha, I totally misunderstood, obviously you are correct sir! :)

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The way I read that article...

1) Create energy field around spacecraft, freeze-framing space inside of it...

2) Use a stupifying amount of energy to create a "high spot" and "low spot" in the space-time continuum around the bubble...

3) Slap the bitch on the thigh and ride the wave to Alpha Centauri in two weeks flat?



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See, I thought that if you could manipulate the mass to zero then an object would require almost no energy to bring up to speed, due to e=mc(squared), so you could just continually manipulate the mass to keep up with your energy.


In theory, we're capable of this. If you follow a normal mc^2 graph indicating the amount of power it would required as speed increases, but follow the negative square, you'll see that at a point we should be able to increase our speed while actually decreasing mass. Of course, I've put this as "layman" as I can get since I'm quickly jamming this into a CR post, so please bear with me.


The point is, there are loopholes to be exploited in Einstein's theory. It's just a matter of time... Just, probably not in our time.

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