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Well, your buddy could probably stop crying long enough to file a police report and have everything handled by the insurance. Retaliation just seems immature and childish, to me. She'll get what she deserves in due time.


Stop crying? LOL you would prolly an hero if you walked outside one morning to find somebody shit all in your precious VW and smeared their mud butt all over the headliner.

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Stop crying? LOL you would prolly an hero if you walked outside one morning to find somebody shit all in your precious VW and smeared their mud butt all over the headliner.


It's a car... no.


My car recently got broken into and the battery died on me days later... not a fuck was given. Fixed the window, bought a new battery, and life went on.


It's even better that he actually knows who it is that did it. Like I said, file a police report and get it fixed.

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Make note here people; you boot a bitch and she brings friends over, you need to get your friends over there too. Your dudes are there to watch your shit for you and as witnesses so she can't claim some crazy shit, like that you hit her.


There's no getting even on this, that doesn't end up being something bad down the road. It sucks. He got burned. People like this always have something fucked up happening to them them. Leave it alone and clean up the mess. File a report. Press charges if there are any to be pressed. File a claim and hope to get paid.


Then just smile big when you bump into them in 2 years and they are all cracked out and have 5 kids running around them. Be happy your done with it.

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