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Earning MBA While Employed Full Time - Teach me the ways


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I would do top tier or not at all. Does your dream job require it? Paying 10-20k for some insignificant incremental step just doesn't make sense.


I'd identify your dream job. Call up some whomever would be your direct report at a few target companies. Say "Hay Guy, I am interested and motivated to be a member of the XYZ team in ABC position. In your opinion, would an MBA from GHJ University make me a more desirable candidate? Is there anything else that would be a better investment of 2 years of my time?". People like to help people, and you'll be on his radar as a motivated person not afraid to call up a senior paper stacker and ask a direct question.


But what do I know, I'm just a college drop out (who married an MBA).

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I did my MBA at Bluffton University (at an offsite location in my town), while working full time. School was full time completed it in 2 years, a great program that was geared toward the working adult. My work stopped the tuition reimbursement when i started, the resumed it once i finished so effthem.

I busted my arse during the week to get all my assignments done staying up past 12 most nights, reading reading and writing my papers. I would get all my work done most of the time by friday, so i would have the weekend to spend time with gilrfriends or friends. Wasnt easy by far. Now comes the second hard part getting a job to make use of it...

the program costed about $25k that I financed through student loans

to bad bluffton doesnt have offsite locations near the columbus area as its a good program for the working adult.

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