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Illinois senator arrested with gun in airport


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Obviously Chicago gun control works. In fact, he looks to be one of the people that keeps the gun control shit running in Chicago




Against guns, yet he carries one. Illegally. That makes him a giant hypocrite. Maybe if he was willing to learn something about them he would have found out he could have legally checked his gun and still have it go with him.

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Obviously Chicago gun control works. In fact, he looks to be one of the people that keeps the gun control shit running in Chicago




Against guns, yet he carries one. Illegally. That makes him a giant hypocrite. Maybe if he was willing to learn something about them he would have found out he could have legally checked his gun and still have it go with him.


You are correct that he is a hypocrite, but what people may not realize is that, while it is illegal for citizens in Illinois to carry, it is LEGAL for Senators and Congress persons. They believe they are above the law (and they are in some cases!) and that's probably why he didn't think twice about bringing it to the airport. Laws are for common folk, not a Senator like himself.


Of course there will be no negative consequences, legally, but I hope some of the sheep that follow this loser see him for the hypocrite he is.

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