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The Phantom Pain / Metal Gear Solid 5 conspiracy

Rally Pat

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So at the VGA's, a trailer was shown for an unknown video game out of nowhere called "The Phantom Pain". Along with it, a (supposdely fake) new video game developer named "Moby Dick Studio".




The creator of the studio according to the site is a person named Joakim Mogren. If you rearrange the letters in Joakim, you get Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear. His last name, Mogren, contains OGRE, a code name for one of Kojima's secret projects hes been working on the last few year and no one in public knows anything about except the name of it.


It doesn't end there, though. In the trailer (which is awesome on it's own, btw)...



The logo for the game at the end, has these weird lines in it. Many people are saying that its this...




In addition, there were people in the Konami VIP area of the awards wearing Moby Dick/Phantom Pain shirts, Konami owns Metal Gear.


More rumors and speculation in this thread:



Edited by Rally Pat
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I think it's pretty obvious that that's a MGS trailer. The character looks just like one of the Snakes, the feather that falls when he looks at his prosthetic arm, the voice used for his coughing at the end, supernatural "boss" type characters. Rock on.
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