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PL out look on crossfit.


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Love this quote from why he hates CF.


Before I get all the Crossfit followers raging and setting fire to my house, I will tell you what I DO like about Crossfit. I like that it has inspired a lot of people to go out and get in shape. It’s fun and competitive, and challenges people. Anything to get the humans of the world off their fat fucking McDonalds-made asses and into a gym is good in my books.


That's why I'm thinking about starting it more regularly. I've done a few workouts and for me, right now, it's great. Am I the authority on all things fitness? Not in any way shape or form. I will never claim that. I've spent a couple years though dropping all this weight and have done about everything I can in a gym. I could continue, but the problem was I became bored and unmotivated. CrossFit is different. It keeps me moving. I belong to a great gym with awesome people who genuinely care about the members, not their money.


I understand the disdain as my cousin is the same as the writer of that blog. He hits the gym daily at 5:00 AM and is doing great. For me though, I quit going. I was bored and unmotivated to the point where I stopped caring. For me personally that's unacceptable.


Also, I fully agree with what he says here:


o maybe you don’t want to be a professional athlete. Maybe you just want to burn some fat and have some fun with your workouts…that’s totally okay. Whatever works for you. But don’t go around preaching it like it’s a religion, because it isn’t. And do not refer to it as being for ATHLETES because Crossfit does not make athletes. You can be an athlete and include Crossfit-type workouts in your program, but you are not an athlete just because you do Crossfit.
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:lol: u mad bro?






I got neg repped too...and I go to a CrossFit gym and agreed with him in the other thread. What gives? :)



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:lolguy: I got neg repped too...and I go to a CrossFit gym and agreed with him in the other thread. What gives? :)http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=654&pictureid=6772
Uh, someone's fucking with you guys. I didn't rep anyone. (In fact, I can't recall the last time I've ever given out rep, and I'm not sure if I ever have.) Some administrator can confirm this, I'm sure.
LOL, I'll be interested to see who the culprit is.








































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I recently switched from doing my own thing at the gym and mixed cardio to joining a Cross Fit Box.


Been there 3 months. And every workout is hard, like anything else in life you get what you put into it. There are prescribed weights and you can scale that up and down. Its real world workout, I know at least in my job it helps me.


But for most people unless they go and do a class or put 100% forward and do a work out of the day at home or their gym to see how difficult it can be then you will never know.


But that said if you are looking to get huge and take on strongest man competitions or powerlifting stuff its not for you. If you want a no brainer competitive environment where the workout is already set and instructors push you on then crossfit is pretty cool. Just add clean diet and watch the results happen.

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I recently switched from doing my own thing at the gym and mixed cardio to joining a Cross Fit Box.


Been there 3 months. And every workout is hard, like anything else in life you get what you put into it. There are prescribed weights and you can scale that up and down. Its real world workout, I know at least in my job it helps me.


But for most people unless they go and do a class or put 100% forward and do a work out of the day at home or their gym to see how difficult it can be then you will never know.


But that said if you are looking to get huge and take on strongest man competitions or powerlifting stuff its not for you. If you want a no brainer competitive environment where the workout is already set and instructors push you on then crossfit is pretty cool. Just add clean diet and watch the results happen.


lol, when i was in highschool i would hook up with all of these closeted guys... like, REALLY CLOSETED guys (think hot homophobic jocks, gangsters and skinheads)


So every time (the first time we'd hook up) I'd give them head... then I'd sneak just a finger in their butts and hit the prostate really hard right when they were cumming


Since it makes your orgasm 10X more intense, and i knew that they never had it done to them before, they would always kinda make this squealing or grunting noise.. and then look at me really weird afterwards.. like this really sexy look of bewilderment and intense shame all mixed together


Then, since i knew they would always be like "get away from me, ass" once the glow started to wear off... i would look them in the eyes and call them a faggot...


every time they would start crying.


that was when i would cum(no homo)

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True, but that's only from the massive dump I just took. True story.




Dude prob has to pay someone to help him wipe.


(I'm realizing I just made two dumping references back to back. Is this bad or is Paul wearing off on me?)


LOL oh well silly me for posting in this thread without seeing it was in the kitchen.. carry on boys


Yup. You get outta the kitchen whatever the trolls put into it.

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Powerlifting deadlift. Real plates-bar bending-also a heavier special deadlift bar



Now deadlift pussy version (crossfag)


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