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In for the lulz in 5-10 years when crossfitters joint are fucked and try to blame it on the "trainers." The vids I watched looked like something my powerlifting coach in high school showed us as examples of what forms NOT to use :lolguy:




One of my powerlifitng coaches would have punched me in the face or kidneys. REAL TALK

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He also challenged all guys on CR to a beauty contest: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93590


Now his next move will be to post up a quasi-ambiguous gif hoping to deflect attention away from the fact that he's been had.


Wait a minute, what's this?




Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I would ask that you return a verdict of guilty to the charge of "Closeted Homosexual in the First Degree with Hypocritical Specifications." The evidence that's been presented herein would seemingly indicate that you could arrive at no other logical conclusion.

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Disc golf :dumb: as if this thread couldn't get any gayer. Leave it up to Squidbilly Benny to take it to that level.


So last year me and the now ex-girlfriend went down to hocking hills for some weekend fun and got a cabin, I paid for the cabin and she paid for a package deal for zip-lining and disc-golf down there off of groupon. Well lucky us it didnt rain, as we were worried it might, but was still a little damp out, but not bad. So we proceed to go through the process of getting prepped to go zip lining, it took a while, but they shuttled us out there to start our zip line adventure. It was fun, we went through the whole coarse and managed not to hurt ourselves. Well after we got done, they took us back were we took off the zip lining gear. We went to get all the stuff so we could then do the disc golf part. We get the frisbees which they tried to charge us for, but the ex-gf was pissed and talked them into not charging us for the frisbees. Well when we walk over there it is in a mowed parts of the woods, there was only one group that was doing it and they just left before we got to the coarse, they said it sucked and wasn't fun. We decided to try it anyways as we thought, why not what do we have to lose. Well we found out how bad we were, and that it really did suck. You would throw the frisbee and it would go into the woods and be hard to find and get out, we were determined at least for a little while to keep going, then half way through the course we said this is enough and decided to just have sex in the disc-golf coarse. So she dropped her pants and so did I down to our ankles, and proceeded to bend her over and get her from behind, this was easy to do as we where close to the same height. So I proceed to raw dog her and blow it in her (she had an IUD so worry free), she was a little whinny about me not touching her cootch with my hands in case I touched any poison ivy, but neither of us got poison ivy later. I was happy that no one saw us, especially that damn lockness monster, otherwise he would have scammed us out of $3.50

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In for the lulz in 5-10 years when crossfitters joint are fucked and try to blame it on the "trainers." The vids I watched looked like something my powerlifting coach in high school showed us as examples of what forms NOT to use :lolguy:


:dumb: Stereotyping is fun! Let's all join in!


So last year...


:lolguy: I know where you're talking about. ~10 minutes from my place. :)

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:dumb: Stereotyping is fun! Let's all join in!


I'm just saying, for most people I've known that have gotten into the Crossfit scene, most don't have the first damn clue of anything involving putting on muscle or increasing strength, and just buy into the first thing they are told and hold that as the golden world. Sure their are cases where people do know what it takes, but I'd say a majority are cubicle rats who hear from a cohort about this and join in. The when they blow a knee out squatting down so far to make their ass touch the ground with oversized rubber weights on the bar...:lolguy:

If this doesn't rustle jimmies not sure what else will :gabe:

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I'm just saying, for most people I've known that have gotten into the Crossfit scene, most don't have the first damn clue of anything involving putting on muscle or increasing strength, and just buy into the first thing they are told and hold that as the golden world. Sure their are cases where people do know what it takes, but I'd say a majority are cubicle rats who hear from a cohort about this and join in. The when they blow a knee out squatting down so far to make their ass touch the ground with oversized rubber weights on the bar...:lolguy:

If this doesn't rustle jimmies not sure what else will :gabe:


The jimmies are already rustled my friend.

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Powerlifting deadlift. Real plates-bar bending-also a heavier special deadlift bar



Now deadlift pussy version (crossfag)



Am I blind not to see the huge difference in these two pictures?

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My wife is very good at this as well-and IMO anything an average woman can do better than a average man, is not much of a "sport" but whatevs. If you own a set of Frisbee Golf discs, you defiantly are some percentage of gay-


But I will still take you up on it after some practice tosses. :)


You didn't say sport, sporto, you said and I quote "some form of athletic competitive activity".


I have a skill set that is way better than you "athletically", I am competitive in score, and it's definitely an activity. :)


I would take your money.

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Make fun all you want, but in my 20s I was paid on weekends to travel all over the US and play, and when we were done in daylight, we had fun at night at all kinds of College campuses across the country. Came home with stories and more cash in our pockets than what we left with. Ate and drank very well. I have friends all over this country I still see on occasion and when I travel it's nice to go say hi.


Yeah that was gay, funny I thought it was gay to frequent the same OSU bars every weekend like some of our other friends did. I loved the south college campuses, And ASU was a fuckin blast. We fit right in.

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Make fun all you want, but in my 20s I was paid on weekends to travel all over the US and play, and when we were done in daylight, we had fun at night at all kinds of College campuses across the country. Came home with stories and more cash in our pockets than what we left with. Ate and drank very well. I have friends all over this country I still see on occasion and when I travel it's nice to go say hi.


Yeah that was gay, funny I thought it was gay to frequent the same OSU bars every weekend like some of our other friends did. I loved the south college campuses, And ASU was a fuckin blast. We fit right in.


Are you drunk right now? What the hell is up with this random rambling nonsense?

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Can't really blame a guy for trying. It was Christmas Eve and I'm not even Jewish. Had an uncle that liked to play billiards and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon. Not like those hipsters you find at Haiku. But, once I saw her, I was like, "Whoa, I'm going to marry this broad." Love at first sight. Took her to Tiffany's and she was all like, "OMG I LOVE GUYS WHO WEAR EXPRESS!" I shop there sometimes. Fuck Whole Foods, though.
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Are you drunk right now? What the hell is up with this random rambling nonsense?


JP knows, that is all that matters. :) You can go back and read and figure it out I'm sure of it. I'm guessing you don't care to, that's fine.


Cliffs, I was sponsored in my 20s to play Disc Golf like Phil was sponsored to play racquet ball.

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Can't really blame a guy for trying. It was Christmas Eve and I'm not even Jewish. Had an uncle that liked to play billiards and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon. Not like those hipsters you find at Haiku. But, once I saw her, I was like, "Whoa, I'm going to marry this broad." Love at first sight. Took her to Tiffany's and she was all like, "OMG I LOVE GUYS WHO WEAR EXPRESS!" I shop there sometimes. Fuck Whole Foods, though.



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Can't really blame a guy for trying. It was Christmas Eve and I'm not even Jewish. Had an uncle that liked to play billiards and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon. Not like those hipsters you find at Haiku. But, once I saw her, I was like, "Whoa, I'm going to marry this broad." Love at first sight. Took her to Tiffany's and she was all like, "OMG I LOVE GUYS WHO WEAR EXPRESS!" I shop there sometimes. Fuck Whole Foods, though.


Thanks for the new lower-sig.

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It's easier to use proper form doing 315 on deadlift vs. 700+ lol


Agreed. Still a poor idea to use a pic of terrible form when trying to take side of proper weight lifting.


Just had a girl do the equivalent of cross-fit on my penis. Her form was way off...







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Agreed. Still a poor idea to use a pic of terrible form when trying to take side of proper weight lifting.


I used a pratical photo, real world on what happens.

If you want to show me proper form id be all for it. Ive been at a sticking point in DL and need to PR by april

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