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Webmaster Going Rates


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I have got some people asking me to help update and maybe run some racing websites.


What should I charge for something like this? I am still waiting to hear the level of updates they are looking for, but it could be from basic all the way up to full site admin.

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well without knowing more project details, you can charge what you feel your time is worth. if you are happy with something like $25/hr then go for it.


That is the other part I don't know, how deep the rabbit hole is.


Thank you all for the info, it actually was a big help.

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You may not have a lot of experience but don't sell yourself short.


Make sure before you give any dollar estimates that you have a complete understanding of what the customer wants. That will really help you decide how much to charge.


Something simple = charge less, something deep and involved that will eat up your free time = way more.


Good luck.

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