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Gold and silver investing


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Subscribing to this thread. I was given some old silverware a while back and took it to Allen's in Westerville. They basically traded me for several one oz bars of silver plus $2 per bar over spot. It seemed like there had to be a better way but since the bars were better than old forks I didn't complain. Thanks
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Gold has done well in the past 4 years, I'll give it that, but all it really means is that people who bought it and held on to their huge losses since the 1970's finally got back into the "black" and could sell for a profit.


Gold is one of those things people who don't know what they are doing invest in because they think its "safe or has no downside" and they tend to buy it at the wrong time. This would be the category I'd put the OP in. He's wanting to buy when its past its peak and highly likely entering a down trend. A few things could cause me to be wrong, but that would have to be another serious economic pitfall like the housing bubble which isn't likely in the next 5yrs. 10yrs out who knows, but I won't be putting my money in gold and I've been a serious trader for the past 15yrs.


Personally I use gold and more specifically the gold mining companies as an indicator as to what the "smart money" is doing. You'll typically notice a shift towards gold when the markets are going to get turbulent and a shift away from gold as stocks are regaining an uptrend. At the end of the day its a commodity and just like oil you need to understand the underlying causes of the price movements to fully utilize it as an investment. It doesn't just magically "add value" to your portfolio like the radio commercials claim. You'd be better off finding dividend rich stocks to just buy and forget if your wanting value.

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