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Business Law..


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Have been working on my company for a few months now and i'm ready to go into beta testing, file and get the ball rolling in general.


Wondering where to file.. Ohio vs Delaware? If Delaware, why?


Need help with a solid non nondisclosure, terms of service, and privacy policy for my website.


Questions about my articles of incorporation and shares. etc..


Can anyone recommend a solid business lawyer?

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A) Go get an attorney

B) Go get an attorney

C) Do not pass C without A and B ... it should cost $500 to $1500

C.1) Start with the Ohio Bar Assoc and send a few calls and emails. You'll be surprised how you can find someone reasonable to do this stuff.

D) Never do -anything- without having the signed paper work in place


* You'll want to do Ohio because that is where your business will be taking place.

* Likely start with some 'boiler plate' agreements and customize them for your needs


This message is brought to you by someone who got burned for high-five figures in mid-2010.


PS: Get an attorney and good luck

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A) Go get an attorney

B) Go get an attorney

C) Do not pass C without A and B ... it should cost $500 to $1500

C.1) Start with the Ohio Bar Assoc and send a few calls and emails. You'll be surprised how you can find someone reasonable to do this stuff.

D) Never do -anything- without having the signed paper work in place


* You'll want to do Ohio because that is where your business will be taking place.

* Likely start with some 'boiler plate' agreements and customize them for your needs


This message is brought to you by someone who got burned for high-five figures in mid-2010.


PS: Get an attorney and good luck


Thank you, look like i;ll be dropping a little dough myself. I found a way to develop my idea without investors so right now everything ill be out of pocket. When the timing id right and its time for serious growth i'll seek out investors.

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Ohio makes starting and handling the state stuff very easy for small businesses.


Curious why you'd want to create a business in Delaware? If its for some "asset protection;-)" forget I asked.


Not sure but ive always head that its the most business friendly state..



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