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PC question; old wireless mouse/keyboard wakes from sleep but new one won't?

Trouble Maker

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Can't figure this out for the life of me.


MOBO is Zotac H55-ITX wifi. OS is Windows 7.


The old wireless mouse/keyboard will wake from sleep (as will a wired keyboard), and the new one's won't.


The old stuff is... older, Logitech MX3200. This is for the PC that's hooked up to the TV (we watch all of our TV on hulu, netflix, etc). So we keep the mouse on/near the couch to start up and control the PC, as a kind of remote. The Logitech never worked 100% if we were on the couch at our old place but worked most of the time if we put it on the coffee table. But at our new place we sit a little further away from the TV and it basically doesn't work.


I got separately purchased Bluetooth stuff at first and they wouldn't wake from sleep. I read about some issues with waking from sleep on Bluetooth (uses too much power so it's always turned off during sleep) so I returned them and got a Gyration mouse/keyboard combo. Really digging the air motion stuff on the Gyration for this duty so I would really like to get this to work if at all possible. Still can't wake from sleep with the Gyration stuff.


All devices (new and old mouse/keyboard) power management is set to wake from sleep. This setting doesn't affect the old mouse/keyboard ability to wake from sleep; they can wake from sleep either way.


All USB root hubs have the option grayed out; I can't check 'let this device wake the system from sleep'. I unchecked 'let windows power this device off' for the root hub that the new keyboard/mouse is connected too. With the old mouse/keyboard this setting doesn't affect it's ability to wake from sleep; they can wake from sleep either way.


All device managers show under details > power data.

"PDCAP_WAKE_FROM_D2_SUPPORTED....Power State Mappings: S3->D2"


There are no options in BIOS about USB/Keyboard/Mouse power (read something about this online). There are some ACPI options, but I'm a little lost at this point (don't know what they do). These are in the default settings and I'm thinking the things that are disabled are ones I don't need.


I also read about some mobo USB ports not having 5V during sleep, or needing to set a jumper to supply 5V during sleep/standby. I used the exact same USB port for the new stuff as the old stuff; again old works and new doesn't. The little blue light on the receiver for the new stuff is on during sleep so it must be getting power.

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I'd suggest deleting the old keyboard/mouse drivers and letting the PC install ones for your new peripherals.


Uninstalled all (of the devices I currently own) keyboard/mouse drivers, reconnected the new ones and let windows install the drivers. Just as before the function 100% fine, but they still don't work to wake up the PC from sleep.


EDIT: Is there a way to uninstall drivers of non-connected devices? I obviously don't have the old Bluetooth receiver or keyboard and mouse drivers.

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