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F1 Race Edits


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nice edit

i have been an F1 fan since i was a kid in the early 90's. while i have kinda kept up, i haven't watched more than highlights of a season in about 10-15 years. i DID watch this FULL season with my son and i gotta say WOW we're both hooked!


this was an amazing championship

7 different winners in the 1st 7 races? when does that happen.....never!

everything coming down to the final race, and one hell of a crazy final race it was!

Red Bull is STRONG and Vettel was great, BUT this was Hamilton's year imho. terrible season for McLaren in the pits, and all the car trouble he had.


My son's favorites are Button and Hamilton, while Kimi is my favorite. he was by far the most consistent driver, and his attitude is GREAT. "leave me alone, i know what i'm doing!'

however his teammate Romain Grosjean NEEDS TO GO. that dude caused soo many wrecks this year and his driving is terrible, i can't believe he will be back next year.


can't wait for next season!



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Cool. Though those are the only two Race Edits I saw on that guys channel. WIsh there had been more. But the night races are some of the best to watch. The ribbon of light in Singapore is just awesome in the heli shots.


This was a great year, and next year should be good too. It'll be neat to see just what Hammy can do with the silver arrows. Vettel is still the man, and I hope to watch him become the next Schumi. But it's the Grand Master behind the scenes, Adrian Newey, that is the man to beat. He's to F1 aerodynamics as Masamune was to Japanese sword making.

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best driver this year was Alonso... He did the most with his car's potential and then some


Perez impressed me but Hulkenberg was the guy that didn't get as much recognition as he seemed to have earned, from what I saw from various recaps of the season from BBC and Skysports.


Hulkenberg should have gotten that seat at Woking

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best driver this year was Alonso... He did the most with his car's potential and then some


True. Alonso was a miracle worker leading the championship in the Ferrari. Reliability and excellent driving almost got him another championship. If the boys in red were more on their game, he'd be the 2012 champ, not Vettel. But Ferrari stumbled hard with the new cars in 2010 and haven't recovered since.


If Ferrari want to become synonymous with F1 again, they better be burning the midnight oil on their 2014 power units right now.

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