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Last week I discussed this with the officer of one of the schools I visit. I see both sides evenly and frankly the liability is out of this world with good and bad. The over all risk assesment is endless. Lock boxes, kids breaking into them, where to put them, overall higher security, individual accountability.... it goes on and on. I look at it like responsability, but that's something I'm use to handling for yeeeeeeeaaars. people leave guns all over the place, in the bathroom, at the movies, in bars, in a lost or stolen purse. Hell, soldiers leave them in the porta john all the time. Now you have someone who has this added to their roll in the school. WOW!!!!! Shit can go wrong and it's scary to have someone who has only familarization training, with that responsability. But it's not like we can justify not having more protection in the school.


I hope they spend the money and send them to quality tactical course for a week or two in the summer. make them sleep with it, have it on them, take it to the shower, clean it everyday, shoot hundreds of rounds with it everyday.


Don't let the kids know who the people tasked are either. Teachers need to keep this quite.



My .02

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^agree. so many possible problems.


So they are giving non-teaching staff weapons training. If I am a janitor and I am suddenly carrying a gun, you better damn well pay me 2x more!


Says the guy who has never shot a gun before.


Honestly, gun responsibility isn't that hard folks.

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As much as I support carry in schools, it is a sad undeniable fact of probability that a carrier will eventually have an incident that will get the indignant left into "We told you so" political soap-boxing mode. That must be a point that pro-carry supporters explain, and understand. Unfortunately, if an incident is deterred without violence, say the shooter simply picks another target, and nothing ever happens, you can't track that, or use it to support your argument. Those who choose to carry must also understand the firearm in their possession is their responsibility, and that they will personally be held to it.
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Honestly, gun responsibility isn't that hard folks.


I wish I could agree. And for some people, this is a simple thing. I have not been to a range or gone to shoot with people, without seeing dangerous handling of a firearm. I have found guns in the woods (just leaning on a tree), porta johns, and even just left in a vehicle in plane site. Some people just aren't mindful to all that goes with having a fire arm with them all the time. Hell, give them non lethal forms if they can't prove proficiency with a fire arm.

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I wish I could agree. And for some people, this is a simple thing. I have not been to a range or gone to shoot with people, without seeing dangerous handling of a firearm. I have found guns in the woods (just leaning on a tree), porta johns, and even just left in a vehicle in plane site. Some people just aren't mindful to all that goes with having a fire arm with them all the time. Hell, give them non lethal forms if they can't prove proficiency with a fire arm.


Whats the best firearm that you've found in your opinion? Have you kept any of them :ninja: ?

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So they are giving non-teaching staff weapons training. If I am a janitor and I am suddenly carrying a gun, you better damn well pay me 2x more!


The staff voluntered for the responsibility.


Forget the fact that it is a school and ask yourself honestly, if you were planning on going into a building to shoot it up would you pick the building where there are no armed personel or the building that you know has armed personel?


Personally, I would rather schools add at least one properly trained armed guard to their payroll. As the NRA stated...there are a lot of unemployed veterans that are looking for jobs that I would bet would jump at such an opportunity. Or how about off duty police officers take turns?


There is obviously a risk but I think the pro's outweigh the con's in this situation.


Did you notice that no parents disagreed with this?


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Did you notice that no parents disagreed with this?


A rural school district in northwestern Ohio


Most of these people prob grew up around and were taught proper handling unlike a lot of urban schools therefore have less worries. My dad who graduated from the same HS I did (25 years earlier) has told me stories about taking his shotgun on the bus to school with him because of the FFA trap shooting competition.

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Most of these people prob grew up around and were taught proper handling unlike a lot of urban schools therefore have less worries. My dad who graduated from the same HS I did (25 years earlier) has told me stories about taking his shotgun on the bus to school with him because of the FFA trap shooting competition.


Really, I reason the perceived problem of arming teachers/staff is perceived as being bad only because of the gradual pussification of society over the last few decades.

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Handguns are no defense against long guns. If they want guns in schools, they better find a way to get a rifle in there.


A handgun, or a few, is many times better than nothing though, and could hold off an assault till help arrived, scare someone off, or otherwise make a difference.

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Most of these people prob grew up around and were taught proper handling unlike a lot of urban schools therefore have less worries. My dad who graduated from the same HS I did (25 years earlier) has told me stories about taking his shotgun on the bus to school with him because of the FFA trap shooting competition.


Hell I had to clear with my teacher and the principal but I did the same with my guns when I was building a gun cabinet. was zero issues.


one thing I did like from this article was


The school already has security cameras and locked doors, and it requires visitors to be buzzed in at the front entrance.


every school should be the same way. they all should have cameras and all doors locked from the outside and you have be buzzed to get in.

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Handguns are no defense against long guns. If they want guns in schools, they better find a way to get a rifle in there.


I dont completely agree with this. There are plenty of hypothetical situations involving indoor defense where I'm reaching for my handgun first.

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This is not progress. This just shows how ass fucking backwards the US is. Progress would be when Americans don't have the urge to go shoot up a school.


Schools should never feel like prisons. Terrorists winning, and all that.



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Yeah..not sure on this.


Properly trained arm guard not employed by the school system would be better. Hopefully at the very least a thorough background check would have been completed.


I mean...oh i don't know, school has lay off and one of them happen to be laid off. Who knows what state that person is in at that time, so many things that can happen here.


I know you can debate it all day long, but just sounds like another knee jerk reaction to a very horrific incident.



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This is not progress. This just shows how ass fucking backwards the US is. Progress would be when Americans don't have the urge to go shoot up a school.






Point taken, what's your alternative solution to stopping a mass murderer already in the act of his crime, and reasonably stemming future occurrences?

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