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The showdown


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Harry Reid has already come out and said he's not going to push any anti gun legislation, blaming the Republican led house of not wanting to play ball. He's forgetting to mention the part where the NRA has been lining his pockets, so either way we are safe on the Congressional front.


This leaves us with the Biden taskforce, and Obama's threats of executive order. Obama doesn't really want to deal with it. He knows that the next Senate election is going to be ugly on his end and he really really really doesn't want to lose the only support he's got in the Legislative branch. Besides, if he were to co-opt the legislative process, along with the checks and balances built into the Constitution to prevent a rogue branch of government (just like he's threatening to do) then the Democrats would be downright stupid to allow such a precedent to go through by not voting to impeach his ass. They know that if they allow him to follow through with creating his own law then that opens the door for the next Republican president to order all abortion clinics shut down, or whatever else they are most scared of.


Obama knows this. He either truly doesn't give a flying fuck (doubt it) or he's got something else up his sleeve. It's increasingly looking like he's throwing out his gun ban EO threats because the GOP led house currently has the advantage on something that he needs - the debt ceiling. If the debt ceiling doesn't get raised then the government can't keep paying the bills and it shuts down. The credit rating sinks, interest rates go up, people don't get paychecks (and may decide to riot), etc etc. Obviously its something that everyone wants to avoid. However, the GOP is arguing that in return, there needs to be budget cuts (sadly, they aren't even asking for a balanced budget) so that we're not borrowing so much money. Obama already got his tax increases (on everyone, nice trick there). The GOP doesn't want to move on the debt ceiling until there are serious budget cuts set in stone. Obama is saying he refuses to negotiate on the debt ceiling, it just has to pass. Now, he has the threat of a gun ban to dangle over their heads, and say if he doesn't get his debt ceiling increase, they will get to see new gun bans. THIS totally unrelated issue will determine our Constitutional freedoms for the foreseeable future.


'Merica, fuck yeah.

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Looks like Obama might 'stay between the lines' on the EO crap:




Even with those, we'll see how much cooperation he gets....


His proposals (all the gun grabbing ideas) are supposed to come later and as you pointed out with Harry's remarks, look DOA in the Senate *and* the House.


Hope this is over soon so the market can get back to normal. I got a Daniel Defense order I want to put in.

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I would expect 6 month backorders on any major brand stuff, unless people start canceling orders.


Back on topic though, Illinois and New York are shoving through gun bans. NY is restricting mags to 7 rounds, dunno what's happening in IL. I sincerely hope the gun manufacturers in those states jump ship and move to a friendly state, and offer their loyal employees relocation help to go with them. That's a lot of tax money those states are collected from businesses they are trying to destroy.

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I would expect 6 month backorders on any major brand stuff, unless people start canceling orders.


Back on topic though, Illinois and New York are shoving through gun bans. NY is restricting mags to 7 rounds, dunno what's happening in IL. I sincerely hope the gun manufacturers in those states jump ship and move to a friendly state, and offer their loyal employees relocation help to go with them. That's a lot of tax money those states are collected from businesses they are trying to destroy.


True 'dat.


Also an object lesson to anyone who thinks the feds would stop at a 10 round magazine limit. NY is at 10, now they want 7. Then it will be 5, then 3, and then (since that's not working), ban guns that accept magazines.....


Modern, high capacity, semi automatic rifles, sidearms, and shotguns are the defacto miltia weapons which are the real exercise of our right to defense recognized by the 2A. Laws which 'cripple' (infringe on?) that capability are unconstitutional on their face. That includes restrictions on magazines, access to military type ammunition, etc.

Edited by 2011SVT
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Problem solved:


"Mr. Obama, professing his commitment to the Second Amendment Monday, blamed others for fanning fears of gun owners about the government's intentions. "Responsible gun owners, people who have a gun for protection, for hunting, for sportsmanship—they don't have anything to worry about," he said." - WSJ 1/15/13

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Problem solved:


"Mr. Obama, professing his commitment to the Second Amendment Monday, blamed others for fanning fears of gun owners about the government's intentions. "Responsible gun owners, people who have a gun for protection, for hunting, for sportsmanship—they don't have anything to worry about," he said." - WSJ 1/15/13



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Problem solved:


"Mr. Obama, professing his commitment to the Second Amendment Monday, blamed others for fanning fears of gun owners about the government's intentions. "Responsible gun owners, people who have a gun for protection, for hunting, for sportsmanship—they don't have anything to worry about," he said." - WSJ 1/15/13



We will see today, I just don't see how that can be true when he keeps on pushing the AWB. Many people who have a gun for protection, for hunting, for sportsmanship utilizes guns that would be banned if there was a AWB. I hope it can be true, I just want prices to come down to normal so I can build my MK18 Clone. I have the upper back ordered from AIM Surplus for a while now. Glad they didn't jack up their price like everywhere else.

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It's a tough call to predict the future, but if nothing comes of these threats, the market will be flooded once again. I'd be happy once I can buy ammo, so I can enjoy some range time. Makes it damn near impossible to even enjoy shooting at the moment (minus handgun calibers)


Just given the 'close call' that this will have been (hopefully), I predict demand will remain high for evil black guns, magazines, and rifle caliber ammo for a while as everyone tries to get out in front of the next 'crisis'.

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Just given the 'close call' that this will have been (hopefully), I predict demand will remain high for evil black guns, magazines, and rifle caliber ammo for a while as everyone tries to get out in front of the next 'crisis'.


I don't think the demand will be that high, most people that want ARs already have them. And people that want to stock up will probably wait till the price drops. It is hard to predict, but I think the market would recover to normal faster than it did post 2008 elections. If no serious legistlation gets passed now, chances of it getting passed later on are next to none. I also think another reason that the market is dry right now is due to people that are buying up all the guns to resale.

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Problem solved:


"Mr. Obama, professing his commitment to the Second Amendment Monday, blamed others for fanning fears of gun owners about the government's intentions. "Responsible gun owners, people who have a gun for protection, for hunting, for sportsmanship—they don't have anything to worry about," he said." - WSJ 1/15/13


So, according to him... if I own guns and support the 2A because I realize it's true purpose (to control .gov), that makes me an irresponsible gun owner?


Fuck him. :dumb:

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So, according to him... if I own guns and support the 2A because I realize it's true purpose (to control .gov), that makes me an irresponsible gun owner?


Fuck him. :dumb:


No, they took away our ability to CONTROL .gov when we lost our tanks, artillery, armed aircraft, etc.


But yeah, you're irresponsible. Why can't you just elect honest representatives to the .gov to control things peaceably? :gabe:

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Looks like the NY gun ban passed the Senate vote with a huge majority, including all the so called 'Republicans' in that State. RIP to Liberty in New York. :( Next up is the 1st Ammendment...



On the positive side, NY citizens that already own high capacity magazines and evil "Assault Weapons" (any firearm with a pistol grip, flash hider, bayonet lug, etc. and a detachable magazine) have will have 1 year to sell or register their equipment. Every 5 years they have to renew their registration (and pay the registration fee!). Sounds like a new supply of merchandise for the rest of us for now.


Here are the details of the NY ban. Pretty nasty.



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NY citizens that already own high capacity magazines and evil "Assault Weapons" (any firearm with a pistol grip, flash hider, bayonet lug, etc. and a detachable magazine) have will have 1 year to sell or register their equipment. Every 5 years they have to renew their registration (and pay the registration fee!).


Obama and anyone expecting ME to register any of my shit can [insert your best explicative]. Keep dreaming and fuck you all!


LOL at ANYONE who voted for this dumb-fuck to be President.

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I'm pretty ashamed of my native state for passing this law....Cuomo as the NY Senate were quite vile


To anyone worried about EO....The president doesn't have the authority to do anything with EOs that isn't already law............... He specifically said he's look to enforce with a heavier hand such legislation which we've been ignoring..........I'm not envisioning anything else will come of this press conference which starts in a minute



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