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I now have a Note 2


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and love it!!! Makes my S3 feel small as hell now when I pick it up. I grabbed an iPhone after and I just laughed...lol.

This thing is sweet. One thing about it is when I have it out in public, I get a lot of "man that's a big phone".


That's all..

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Have fun carrying a tablet around with you all the time.


Too big IMO.



It's not an issue carrying it. I always put my cell in right front jean pocket with nothing else....to prevent scratching. It fits in there with no probs. I can tell something is in there now though where as with the S3 it felt much like my wallet.

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Yup Loving the N2...

Once you get used to it, the regular phones seem too small to use anymore.


If you are rooted, have you done the mod to add all apps to the multi-view window? Stellar mod.

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So I am rooted and unlocked on Verizon. Latest OTA from 1/19 closes that gap and basically bricks devices.


Use Titanium backup and REMOVE SDM 1.0 after backing it up. It will stop you from getting that update.

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Enjoying the battery life?

Best battery life of any android phone I've ever had!


The battery life on these kicks ass.


I looked up this phone last night because of the interest in here. It does seem to be an amazing phone after watching side by side reviews vs. an iphone 5. I might look into it once its upgrade time. It is flirting in the land of small tablets though.


It is quite large, but IMO it is just right. I don't think I would want a phone much bigger than this, but I certainly don't want one smaller again. The only cons I can see are that it is hard to "one thumb" operate, and a complete pain in the ass to remove from my pocket when sitting. However, the pros FAR outweigh the cons in this case.

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Love mine! The wifes s3 seems small now. And for anyone wanting one, Amazon just dropped the price to 199 for upgrades and new lines. Verizon. Just FYI

Also, rumors are that the note 3 will be 6.4" LOL

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Also, rumors are that the note 3 will be 6.4" LOL


No fucking way....There's no chance I can go back to a smaller device, but I certainly won't go bigger than the current Note. A 4.99" sounds appealing!!

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