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Vance's is part of the "problem"....


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I cannot count how many times I have been in Vance's and people are informed they have answered the Form wrong, told why it is wrong, and given a new one.... only to answer another question wrong.


How many firearms have been "sold" to people who are not legally allowed to purchase one just to make a sale?


How many places do this? Things like this need addressed before Bans are implemented.


<off soapbox>



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How do you know they answered a question wrong and didn't just make a mistake? I took my little brother last weekend to Vance's and he bought his first gun, it took 3 4473s before he got it right and they could run the background check. He's 18 and I know has never been in trouble he had just never filled out the form before. Hell Ive filled out a bunch of 4473s and still occasionally make a mistake.
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How do you know they answered a question wrong and didn't just make a mistake? I took my little brother last weekend to Vance's and he bought his first gun, it took 3 4473s before he got it right and they could run the background check. He's 18 and I know has never been in trouble he had just never filled out the form before. Hell Ive filled out a bunch of 4473s and still occasionally make a mistake.



Purchasing for yourself?






I am rather certain it was not typos....





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Purchasing for yourself?






I am rather certain it was not typos....






If it was a felony it would come up on a BGC, so it wouldnt matter either way. Most all mistakes are made because Vances attorney made them spell out words that could be abbreviated. Or spell out months, or not putting N/A where it needs to be, or not spelling COURT but putting CT. Things like that....

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Shouldnt they be running background checks anyways, you know with a valid drivers license?? Christ. Just because someone checks "no, im not a felon" doesnt automatically make them non-felonious.


Edit, after re-reading, what does spelling St. instead of Street have to do with insane people obtaining guns?

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After filling out AimHi's electronic form today, itll suck to do another paper one. Takes no time at all, and fills in all of the little "mishaps" automatically (Ohio instead of OH, Street instead of ST etc..)


Their form fails me every time. I was born in England (only one in my family) and their form only has "United Kingdom" as an option. When they call up for the background check they always say it isn't a specific enough answer.


luls ensue as they have to come manually edit the form and get all pissy.

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Writing on paper is so primitive. Every store should use a damn computer to help you fill out the form. OH HEY MAN DIS IS HOW U FILL IT OUT OKAY? SPELL OUT ALL WORDS DO NOT ABBREVIATE. I WILL BE BACK IN 10 MINUTES. Rep comes back and points out everything you did wrong. TRY AGAIN SIR I WILL RETURN SHORTLY. REPEAT 3 TIMES. Here is an idea hold everybody hand that is filling out the form. That will take less time and be more customer friendly. I guess vances doesn't care about that? Aimhi takes a lot of my money even though vances is much much closer. Only time I will buy from vance's is if they are the only store that has what I need. That happens to be not often :)
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Writing on paper is so primitive. Every store should use a damn computer to help you fill out the form. OH HEY MAN DIS IS HOW U FILL IT OUT OKAY? SPELL OUT ALL WORDS DO NOT ABBREVIATE. I WILL BE BACK IN 10 MINUTES. Rep comes back and points out everything you did wrong. TRY AGAIN SIR I WILL RETURN SHORTLY. REPEAT 3 TIMES. Here is an idea hold everybody hand that is filling out the form. That will take less time and be more customer friendly. I guess vances doesn't care about that? Aimhi takes a lot of my money even though vances is much much closer. Only time I will buy from vance's is if they are the only store that has what I need. That happens to be not often :)


The only time I use Vances is if they have a better deal...so I print off their ad and take it to OVO for price matching with no hassle and no questions asked. :gabe:

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I've watched people mess up the form a dozen times. In every situation, it was abbreviating something that needed spelled out or a silly type-o. They're not teaching people how to lie and bypass the check, IMO.


So abbreviating "street" or "county" is lying and bypassing the check?


Makes sense.

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I've watched people mess up the form a dozen times. In every situation, it was abbreviating something that needed spelled out or a silly type-o. They're not teaching people how to lie and bypass the check, IMO.


I've done this myself. You can't make any mistakes. Fucking bureaucrats.

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Writing on paper is so primitive. Every store should use a damn computer to help you fill out the form. OH HEY MAN DIS IS HOW U FILL IT OUT OKAY? SPELL OUT ALL WORDS DO NOT ABBREVIATE. I WILL BE BACK IN 10 MINUTES. Rep comes back and points out everything you did wrong. TRY AGAIN SIR I WILL RETURN SHORTLY. REPEAT 3 TIMES. Here is an idea hold everybody hand that is filling out the form. That will take less time and be more customer friendly. I guess vances doesn't care about that? Aimhi takes a lot of my money even though vances is much much closer. Only time I will buy from vance's is if they are the only store that has what I need. That happens to be not often :)


I wouldn't use AimHi if they were the last gun store on earth.

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I wouldn't use AimHi if they were the last gun store on earth.


I have heard bad stories, personally had a bad experience with my year membership (did not renew because of it), but I still buy. At least when I wanted to buy a firearm they were nice to me and the transaction was quick and painless. I did my CCW class there with no issues.

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The only time I use Vances is if they have a better deal...so I print off their ad and take it to OVO for price matching with no hassle and no questions asked. :gabe:


I wish OVO was closer. It is a hike to get there and back. I don't go out there to just browse I go there for a mission.

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I wish OVO was closer. It is a hike to get there and back. I don't go out there to just browse I go there for a mission.


I hear ya. It's 5 mines from my office and their affiliate in Logan is not too far from my cabin. Love it. Never a problem with anything.

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Question: Can you have a felony on your record, sentence served but record not expunged, and still own a fire arm if the felony wasn't drug or violence related? Is that a federal law? I've gotten so many conflicting answers I don't know what to think. A attorney I know said it doesn't appear to be an issue depending on exact circumstances but he said to talk to a gun dealer to be sure because they would have more in depth knowledge of the gun laws than he did? I know there's no way you could get a ccw unless your record was expunged, I'm just talking the legality of purchasing a fire arm.
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yep. i see that happen a lot. they even tell you "spell out EVERYTHING". street, not st., January, not Jan. county, not co.


lucky for me, i listen and have never filled out more than one form...so far.


Wonder what they'd do on mine since my street is actually "W North", "West North" is on the other side of town. :p

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