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The Monte... and beyond


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Why did you guys start posting that god damn picture when I told you not to? Monte deserves a fresh start on here without being haunted by his past - I've already heard that he's been helping people out left and right at Vance’s and with his new business.


Please CR I know how god damn funny that shit is: the infamous picture, the Twinkie pic, video's, ect. I will never deny how hilarious some of this shit has been.


But he does contribute somewhat more to the automotive community than the dirty, shitty, low life, less than human, central Ohio filthy trash that lurks on CR. Filling Anthony's poor genius creation with your disgusting and depressing stories of pathetic life situations. Impregnating fat pimply monstrosities of the human race, then having them fucked by someone even more pathetic than yourself. Getting arrested for degenerate and disgraceful behavior that makes me regret being the same species as you. It’s such a long list of shit, sometimes its like Anthony has created this Noah's Ark of Shit and its getting filled with two types of every shitty human being on earth, preparing to float in an already existing shit flood. For what purpose? What is the purpose of your shitty existence?

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  Rustlestiltskin said:
So how much free/discounted shit has he given you for you to be his white knight?


He's never given me anything, now that I think about it he's actually cost me money. I just think that when compared to some of the shit being smeared all over this forum, he's not all that bad.

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I knew him in high school. Maybe he has changed, but what my friends and I knew of him (and I knew some people who knew him VERY well), he was a shady fuck back then. Again I say he may have changed, but the few recent things I have heard about him, he prolly hasn't.
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fat shit steve is a low life piece of shit and no matter what you say or how hard he sucks your balls he will always be a shady fucking faggot. end of thread/


give it 3 months before hes caught stealing shit from vances. fuck steve, the only reason im even civil to him is because he is friends with my people. did i mention fuck steve?

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  yenner said:
Call out. Montes White Knight vs. you, imstock2s White Knight. Joust to the death.


imstock2's white knight? :dumb: didn't know that calling somebody out who's calling somebody else out makes you a white knight for the original person being called out. P.s. that truck in your sig looks like a big heap of aids. Run that shit into a mud hole and leave it there :p

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  Rustlestiltskin said:
imstock2's white knight? :dumb: didn't know that calling somebody out who's calling somebody else out makes you a white knight for the original person being called out. P.s. that truck in your sig looks like a big heap of aids. Run that shit into a mud hole and leave it there :p


1) You are getting on someone for defending someone else. That's what you did in ruhtards detective thread. I have no dog in either fight. Just making observations.


2) I love my pile of aids. FT 4x4, murka camo rattle can job, tree fiddy fires up errtime even when sitting for a week in this weather, and I don't give a crap about dents, scratches, etc. See: I love my aids.



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  beatercamaro said:
I knew him in high school. Maybe he has changed, but what my friends and I knew of him (and I knew some people who knew him VERY well), he was a shady fuck back then. Again I say he may have changed, but the few recent things I have heard about him, he prolly hasn't.


x2. He would steal stuff and sell it on a weekly basis. Robbing house parties, never shows up again. Rinse and repeat on other unsuspecting people. He's got a long list of those that will still stomp the shit out of him now and 10 years later. Got a regular klepto private pyle's on our hands.


Good guy though nice write up chum.

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  Mad Maxi-pad said:
x2. He would steal stuff and sell it on a weekly basis. Robbing house parties, never shows up again. Rinse and repeat on other unsuspecting people. He's got a long list of those that will still stomp the shit out of him now and 10 years later. Got a regular klepto private pyle's on our hands.


Good guy though nice write up chum.



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  FILL said:
fat shit steve is a low life piece of shit and no matter what you say or how hard he sucks your balls he will always be a shady fucking faggot. end of thread/


give it 3 months before hes caught stealing shit from vances. fuck steve, the only reason im even civil to him is because he is friends with my people. did i mention fuck steve?


I can't really disagree with anything you said. However, I think through a lot of mockery and shame (having the full Monte picture posted on here and Craigslist m4m is punishment enough) he's already endured he shouldn't be continued to be shitted on for being suck a bastard fuck.


And Anthony deserves a Medal of Honor for dealing with all these trashy broke dick fucks that are part of such a once great online community. Think if we had more Docs and less beatercamaros and imstock2s? Somehow this site went from glorious epic threads to white trash sob stories, people crying about there jobs, more crying about being fat or disabled, Gun FS threads exploiting political bullshit, ect. And then when some men of true class start to shame some of these pathetic fucks they get banned or their thread removed. Can we get Gabe and Bluemach back? I'm sure the mods can find some other people to ban to make up for their penis size or other short comings in their life.

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  beatercamaro said:
So I'm assuming your calling me trashy? That's cool, keep sucking monty off, he would appear to be a thieving bastard and many on the site would agree. At least i work hard for what little I have and get no help from the .gov


Yes he would appear to be that way, you obviously didn't read the part where I agree with all this shit. If you don't want to be labeled trashy then don't post your white trash biography of Phil fucking your brothers trash cumdumpster that shouldn't be reproducing. Then having some trailer park paradise down in the hood. This is a fucking racing forum nobody wants to hear about how pathetic your existence is. The only thing great about that whole story is Phil destroying some slut that needed a good fucking.

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So your saying you approve of thievery? Go DIAF. I'd much rather be trashy than a thief. You think what we did to him here is punishment? Let him face the people he stole from, this site would be a walk in the park by comparison.


By the way, you may want to get your facts straight. I didn't start the thread about Phil and my brothers son's mother, he did (and I already stated before that he should not have). Honestly i couldnt care less that Phil hit it, I don't respect what he did, but I have no issue with him. One more thing about that thread, I should have never posted in that thread. I only did cause someone was talking shit about me when I wasn't in it, I should have never put myself in the middle.


So in summary, I'm white trash according to most of the site who has not met me, but those who have met me would probably tell you I don't carry myself in that way. Also I work hard for everything I have, however little it may be. Yourself however would rather swing the nuts of a thief who deserves more than he has gotten in just hazing on this site as I have no respect for thieves.

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