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Johny Utah

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Why do you think you need it? I'll take this thread serious if you do. Would you be wanting to take it to help repair joints? We need more info or else this will become a shitstorm.


It wont directly help aid in joint repair, it may help MAY help with small tissue repair.

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I'd lean towards a good joint med first. Like Move Free or something like that. That's what I take when I'm feeling it and it works for me. I do concrete sawing/drilling/everythings heavy. So I can relate


I only use HGH for my Crossfit....

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Im 35. I have been doing landscaping and snow removal for a long time now. It just seems to be taking a toll on my body now. Wondering if I would help my body recover at all.


Hgh doesn't really aid in recovery its more of a building block. There are many other things out there that can help.


Go see your doctor, talk to an endocrinologist.

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Are you lacking energy or is it actual joint pain?


Yeah, I want to know this. Are you taking any Glucosamine pills? A couple of years ago I started really feeling some joint pain and stiffness from playing a lot of ice hockey. So I started taking Glucosamine every day and it has really helped out. I don't get nearly as stiff as I used to working out, playing hockey, etc.

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Yeah, I want to know this. Are you taking any Glucosamine pills? A couple of years ago I started really feeling some joint pain and stiffness from playing a lot of ice hockey. So I started taking Glucosamine every day and it has really helped out. I don't get nearly as stiff as I used to working out, playing hockey, etc.


Glucosamine ftw. works on people and dogs as well. Helped out our older golden retrievers immensely.

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Glucosamine ftw. works on people and dogs as well. Helped out our older golden retrievers immensely.


Oh yeah, I've been giving it to my labs for years now. Within a month they both stopped creaking and cracking when they got up and moved a lot better... :nod:

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