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Remember when........


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It use to be fun to surf gun web sites and see all the fun things you wanted? Maybe even order a few things? Man, that use to be fun.











First world problems


Still better than bitcoins and the silk road.

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2 weeks ago, blackwing had CMMG lpk's for $99.


I may, or may not have this. Hmmm... But I got it from Dale. hahaha


Yeah I havent shot a few of my guns because I don't want to diminish my on hand ammo if I dont know when I can replenish it.


I've been teaching with .22, but might switch to 9mm because there is more of that out there.


Still better than bitcoins and the silk road.


Not even sure what that means. lol

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Silk road = illegal drug trading


Bitcoins are a digital currency. Because it's hard to trace they are allegedly (but not exclusively) used in illicit dealings. Let your imagination fill in the rest.


Silk road isnt' just drugs, it's literally everything/anything EXCEPT they recently stopped gun sales and have always prohibited human trafficking.

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Please use google. I can not explain any more because of legal reasons :/


I googled. Found the wiki page. Started reading. Found this.


However, the site's operators prohibit goods or services intended to harm others, such as stolen credit card numbers, counterfeit currency, firearms, personal information, assassinations, weapons of mass destruction, and materials used to make such


:dumb: but I see what they're getting at.

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So do you guys think that the DHS is causing the ammo shortage on purpose to making gun ownership even harder? I mean how much ammo have they stock piled now? 1.6billion so far with 21.6 billion more on order? If it is true, that is kind of fucked up and scary in a way.



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I don't know how much I credit that, but I like the thought process of thinking it could be something.


Take the ammo off the shelves. Starve the shooters and get them out of practice and training for X amount of time. Then battle rustly tactics.


That's pretty far fetched. But, I would rather think through it as an option than just be blind to it.

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