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tx2k13 anyone?


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What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?


i always carry a murse with lettuce, sliced tomatos, apple sauce, and a few other very aero-dynamic foods in that i may or may project in your direction at time of said out of tune vocal exhibitions

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i always carry a murse with lettuce, sliced tomatos, apple sauce, and a few other very aero-dynamic foods in that i may or may project in your direction at time of said out of tune vocal exhibitions


Is there a nice way of asking Michael J. Fox to do the Harlem Shake?

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In this thread you will post an autobiography. It will contain your accomplishments, a few idiosyncratic but relatively irrelevant details, some hardships you have endured, and at least one aspiration.


Can you repeat the question in tard for some members of our viewing audience?

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Life on the South End was never easy. Lockbourne, have you heard of it? Probably not. It's like tool shed of Columbus. Toward the back of the property, not very big, not really cared for, and certainly not adding to the value of anything. That's where I was born. I guess you could say it was all up from there. Literally, because I was born on the floor. We didn't have enough money for a car or a telephone or electricity, so there was no way for us to call an ambulance when she went into labor. Luckily, the kitchen was tiled; no way I'd want to clean up that mess on a carpet.


My dad was a humble man. I say was because now he's a meglomaniac. He was rapidly promoted throught the ranks of the DEA, made district attorney, moved to San Francisco, and helped in a small start-up electronics company called "Apple." He'll call me every so often to remind me of his greatness. I always want to hang up, but never do. I've always been kind of a pushover like that.


My mom is Sophia Loren. She never cared for my father's antics very much. She had a fairly successful career in acting, modeling, and cosmetics sales. One year, she finished 3rd nationally at Avon.

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Life on the South End was never easy. Lockbourne, have you heard of it? Probably not. It's like tool shed of Columbus. Toward the back of the property, not very big, not really cared for, and certainly not adding to the value of anything. That's where I was born. I guess you could say it was all up from there. Literally, because I was born on the floor. We didn't have enough money for a car or a telephone or electricity, so there was no way for us to call an ambulance when she went into labor. Luckily, the kitchen was tiled; no way I'd want to clean up that mess on a carpet.


My dad was a humble man. I say was because now he's a meglomaniac. He was rapidly promoted throught the ranks of the DEA, made district attorney, moved to San Francisco, and helped in a small start-up electronics company called "Apple." He'll call me every so often to remind me of his greatness. I always want to hang up, but never do. I've always been kind of a pushover like that.


My mom is Sophia Loren. She never cared for my father's antics very much. She had a fairly successful career in acting, modeling, and cosmetics sales. One year, she finished 3rd nationally at Avon.


:lol: pics or it didnt happen

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meh, tough shit happens to everyone, you sound like you are using this as a crutch and i can honestly say, it doesnt hit a nerve for me. ive been though rough shit the same way you have and that hasnt stopped, slowed me down, or detered my success. stop leaching onto these things and move on. you are the main person througout this whole ims2 non sense sitting on your high horse ( no pun needed) talking down to him and trying to prove that what you do is so commendable and what he does is so awful. Legally he hasnt done anything wrong, but you and the cr judgmentals (which 90% of you fucks dont come out of your caves ) continue to use moral clauses to bring down matt. i agree he is dillusional and doesnt know anything about what is going on in the functionality of racing, his arrogence and ignorance will be his downfall, but his financial comings are yours and others way of taking shots as a group. you have nothing to race, so why run your mouth about racing, you are not building anything to race, you have no money to run your mouth about racing, and you have no room to judge him on his car choices when you cant even live on your own like an adult. when you come to the table with 1/3 of these items, then your opinion will maybe mean less than 2 day old shit. until then, you, your opinions, and anything pertaining to this website is band with abuse. get off cr, get your shit together, then and only then should you post.


My jimmies remain unrustled.

Not using it as a crutch, but I made sure my family was set and I'm not ashamed of it. There is a difference between being disillusional and straight up idiotic. According to your Philosophy on this (no pun intended), it seems like you are characterizing everyone on CR as talking down to him. Maybe if he wasn't digging himself into a hole it wouldn't seem like we are talking down to him. I've told him i'd run him on my bike at the track. I think you missed my point, if it wasn't for his arrogance on a dirtbike, he wouldn't be getting any money from the gov't unless he re-up'd in the Marines, or was active in the reserves. You made one valid point in your response, that I'm not living on my own. That's it.

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My jimmies remain unrustled.

Not using it as a crutch, but I made sure my family was set and I'm not ashamed of it. There is a difference between being disillusional and straight up idiotic. According to your Philosophy on this (no pun intended), it seems like you are characterizing everyone on CR as talking down to him. Maybe if he wasn't digging himself into a hole it wouldn't seem like we are talking down to him. I've told him i'd run him on my bike at the track. I think you missed my point, if it wasn't for his arrogance on a dirtbike, he wouldn't be getting any money from the gov't unless he re-up'd in the Marines, or was active in the reserves. You made one valid point in your response, that I'm not living on my own. That's it.


do you preffer pads or the tampon? you skipped most of the vaulable things i said because you have no creative rebuttal. you spoke of a wife and kids, and you dont even have a gf. not unless you see your madre as your future birthing partner, and you would then have some real issues. You dont know the fine deets of why or how he gets his funds, the same way i dont care how you manage your funds. you judge someone and you live under your mothers roof. you racing him with your bike on the track is as likely to happen, as you getting a gf. take your own advice and get your life together before commenting on his. My life is together, thats why i comment on yours :masturboy:

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do you preffer pads or the tampon? you skipped most of the vaulable things i said because you have no creative rebuttal. you spoke of a wife and kids, and you dont even have a gf. not unless you see your madre as your future birthing partner, and you would then have some real issues. You dont know the fine deets of why or how he gets his funds, the same way i dont care how you manage your funds. you judge someone and you live under your mothers roof. you racing him with your bike on the track is as likely to happen, as you getting a gf. take your own advice and get your life together before commenting on his. My life is together, thats why i comment on yours :masturboy:


HAHAH. I actually do have a girl. And I believe I covered all points you attempted to make against me, which did I miss? Timeslips don't lie, so maybe we will go that route. I guess living at home means your life is headed no where. Shiet, I'll tell anyone I know living at home, their life is F U C K E D.

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HAHAH. I actually do have a girl. And I believe I covered all points you attempted to make against me, which did I miss? Timeslips don't lie, so maybe we will go that route. I guess living at home means your life is headed no where. Shiet, I'll tell anyone I know living at home, their life is F U C K E D.


time slips? WTF is a time slip? bring that ragedy ass bike to the street, no time slip needed. bring your monies, or your moms money and race matt heads up. dont give us the ol cr " i only race at the track" , thats just a cop out for not running heads up. after all, you are the general of the "we hate imstock2 club". Living at home, money shouldnt be an issue.

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time slips? WTF is a time slip? bring that ragedy ass bike to the street, no time slip needed. bring your monies, or your moms money and race matt heads up. dont give us the ol cr " i only race at the track" , thats just a cop out for not running heads up. after all, you are the general of the "we hate imstock2 club". Living at home, money shouldnt be an issue.


Whatever he want's to run. From what I heard the dude can't drive worth a fuck. I'd rather not have someone who can't handle a stock C6 running me. But then again, I'm sure he will only want a ricroll, I'll only go from a dig, not a fuck would be given.

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Whatever he want's to run. From what I heard the dude can't drive worth a fuck. I'd rather not have someone who can't handle a stock C6 running me. But then again, I'm sure he will only want a ricroll, I'll only go from a dig, not a fuck would be given.


from what you heard? that is some 2nd grade girl talk right there. you would believe everything you hear, but thats on you to take someones word. no need to assume, just call him out, set it up. make it happen. how much money you gonna put up? who gone get what lane? no air shifter!!! you gonna give him the wiggle?

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from what you heard? that is some 2nd grade girl talk right there. you would believe everything you hear, but thats on you to take someones word. no need to assume, just call him out, set it up. make it happen. how much money you gonna put up? who gone get what lane? no air shifter!!! you gonna give him the wiggle?


He admitted himself he can't drive lol. I'll throw a few bucks out there. I don't have an airshift, he doesn't get the wiggle, and it's a 1/4 heads up event.

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Oh, and i dont have an autobiography of myself, but dont worry, Im sure in a decade or two there will be a few biographies out about me...


i watched you in a porn once.... or atleast i imagined it:dumb:

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He admitted himself he can't drive lol. I'll throw a few bucks out there. I don't have an airshift, he doesn't get the wiggle, and it's a 1/4 heads up event.


so you do believe everything someone tells you.... i have ocean front property in montana for sale. dirt cheap

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