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So finding that made me do a google search (see link below for example)... Incredible how serious it is, now i know why there is 'serious' discussions about cutting military veteran benefits! I always used to think that was horrible "who would want to cut veteran benefits?!?!" Now I see where it stems from, its a BIG issue...



Read the comments below the article. Dingus here isn't nearly the only one... I wasnt aware how bad this was...

How do I report two veterans at my jobsite who are receiving 100% disability and are performing duties that require heavy lifting, working under adverse conditions, etc. One is receiving 100% disability for back injuries and ironically rides a motorcycle… This doesn’t make sense! Both have bragged that they have a cash cow. Fortunately, I do not need benefits -but- I do know many veterans that have serious medical conditions and are receiving nothing… My Dad was hospitalized at the VA hospital several years ago… It saddened my heart to see my fellow veterans with arms and legs missing. But it hacks me off when I see able-bodied veterans milking the system.


I work at the VA and I am an advocate for veterans who served in COMBAT to recevie disability and benefits for injuries and diseases due to as a result of COMBAT, I have a real issue with veterans getting disability benefits for disease and injuries that have nothing to do with their military service–it is a joke. Veterans get disability pay for so called disabilities such as sleep apnea, hysterectomies, sinusitis, asthma, adult onset diabetes (and every claim I see for Diabetes the veteran is OBESE.)

I see so many claims that are granted to people who go in the military service 6 months or a year-people who are not in combat, and the people are let out of the military -”under honorable conditions” NOT honorable. The people are let out of the military because of mental problems, adjustment disorders, etc. They cannot adjust to military life and guess what these people get out and claim all their mental problems are due to their military service and 99% of the time they are granted100% disability and receive over $2500.00 a month tax free

The system needs to be changed but Politicians do not understand who a veteran is and what they get disability pay for–a veteran is anyone who serves in the military over 90 days and does not get a dishonorable discharge. It is a big joke

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1391 bulk fuel specialist, deployed with CLB8(combat logistic battalion 8) deployed to Afghanistan in march 09 as security forces during the initial invasion of helmand province. Anything else you wanna know wild cat?


ok so basically, your a fucking pussy that probably never even fired a shot at anyone while over there, came back and hurt yourself with your own stupidity, and you call yourself a vet? please do the world a favor and wrap that vette around the biggest tree you can find with yourself still in it...

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"Bulk fuel specialist"= fuel pump attendant

"Master of the custodial arts"= janitor

"Waste management engineer" = garbage man


I could probably make up big names for the jobs I had too.... "retroreflective safety marker installation engineering supervisor specialist "



...and at the moment, "professional drink all the alcoholic beverages placed in general vicinity boss"

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ok so basically, your a fucking pussy that probably never even fired a shot at anyone while over there, came back and hurt yourself with your own stupidity, and you call yourself a vet? please do the world a favor and wrap that vette around the biggest tree you can find with yourself still in it...


Hey fuck tard. War isn't like call of duty. 70% of the deaths in today's war is from I.E.D's. We aren't looking to shoot anyone and nor do any of us want to. We just do our jobs and what we're told. That's all you need to know. I don't brag about shit that I done/seen over there but I will tell you I wish that I never experienced what I did. Wish I was one of the lucky ones and stayed at home base. But then again those dudes seem to talk the most. Guys that experience the shit wish they never did and guys that never done shit wish they could experience that shit. Here's a video that a good friend put together.. Can you spot me?

Edited by imstock2
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Anything that takes driver/rider error out is bitchmade.


:lolguy: Jackass...


Little do you know. As you seen I was building this car well before I recived va income that I totally forgot about, As far as the bike wreck being the only way I would got va benifits that's far from the truth,The max you can get per limb is 30%. I don't depend on the extra 3k/month to build this car but it sure helps :)


You are a disgrace....


You're a pussy, plain and simple. You injured yourself being a dumb fuck on a dirt bike while dicking around and are claiming a higher disability than an amputee, who actually has a tangible disability. If you're not ashamed, you should be. You have zero room to talk regarding earning money, and/or being a baller---you get monthly handouts for being a bitch. Similar to food stamps.




My dad volunteers at the va part time and helps with the wounded warriors on camp pendleton. Youre a fucking joke.




You're a faggot, plain and simple. My best friend came back from Afghanistan with legit PTSD. Worked there for 9 months as a combat orthopedic surgeon. The shit he told me about would give him nightmares to no end. Guys missing 3 limbs who he saved. Guys literally cut in half by ied's. young men bleeding out and dying right in front of him, private ryan style--helpless. the trauma that he dealt with was insane. These are the guys our tax dollars should be supporting. We should help them function with day to day activities.


Not some prick who's claiming hearing loss. Or claiming 30% disability for some dumb injury that was his own fault, on his own time, completely separate from his 'service'. You're not putting the money to good use. You should be donating half of it to soldiers with real disabilities.


By your logic, I should claim some disability. I operate a very loud bone saw---10% disability for hearing loss. The saw vibrates like crazy, combined with all the fine work I do with my hands has lead to carpal tunnel syndrome--boom, 30% more disability. I am exposed to X-rays all day long, which can lead to cancer--20% disability. I've had multiple exposures in the 1000's of surgeries I've done to accidental needle sticks, or sharp broken bone edges--exposing me to the risk of hepatitis c and HIV---15% disability. I also work with dangerous chemicals. Some of which In the bone cement I use during total knee replacements have been linked to Parkinson's--15% disability. Finally, I have to occasionally deal with the stress of doing disability exams on freeloading pussies (like you), leading to mental anguish---10%.



Or I could just be a man and work for my money.


The sad part is that's how the system is setup. Anything that happens to you while you are serving is covered, even if it's your own fault... :dumb:


You'd be shocked how many people are getting a check and NEVER even deployed or set foot outside the USA.

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It's stretched and lowered. I'll keep the bottle off for you. Dig or a roll... Doesn't matter.. 1200hp lambOs were beating 300hp bikes in Texas, so I should be no problem for you. What do you say....$250 wager?


There were no 300hp bikes in Texas racing and no 1,200hp Lambo's beating them. More like 250hp bikes and 1,500whp Lambo's... ;)


Says the jackass who is calling out busas, and anyone else, without ever having done ANYTHING even remotely mentionable. You.Havent.Done.Shit.



I thought he owned a Supra for a second. Says he's building a 1k-hp car and worried about a bolt-on BUSA... :lolguy:

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You are getting more then my dad a month then his retirment after 25 years with the marines and 4 tours and 1 purple heart. Youre taking away from others that really need it.


The system is broken and this is a prime example. Military do NOT get anywhere close to the benefits that other government agencies get. :mad:

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Hey fuck tard. War isn't like call of duty. 70% of the deaths in today's war is from I.E.D's. We aren't looking to shoot anyone and nor do any of us want to. We just do our jobs and what we're told. That's all you need to know. I don't brag about shit that I done/seen over there but I will tell you I wish that I never experienced what I did. Wish I was one of the lucky ones and stayed at home base. But then again those dudes seem to talk the most. Guys that experience the shit wish they never did and guys that never done shit wish they could experience that shit. Here's a video that a good friend put together.. Can you spot me?


No shit moron. My point is, your running around calling yourself a vet like you actually did something to earn that title. Youve seen shit? Good for you, i dont know if the vids are still up, but a couple months ago you could find videos on youtube that our guys were taking from over there, so i garuntee alot of he general public has seen just as much as you.

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No shit moron. My point is, your running around calling yourself a vet like you actually did something to earn that title. Youve seen shit? Good for you, i dont know if the vids are still up, but a couple months ago you could find videos on youtube that our guys were taking from over there, so i garuntee alot of he general public has seen just as much as you.


Lol really.. It's the pictures he didn't add in that video that is truly mind fucking. Only 9 guys have these pictures and it will always remain that way, and I happen to be one of those. Your lucky I posted that video up just so you dis-respectful fucks can get off my nuts with this shit. It's not stuff I like to talk about. You say our guys. Like guys in your platoon? Saying you know someone that done this that and seen this that is far different than actually experiencing it first hand. Just because you know someone that done shit does not give you the right to talk down on someone you think didn't do shit or done shit. You can watch videos all you want boss but feeling the shockwave from the IED that killed guys you was just sleeping next to is an experience you can't get from a video.


Edited by imstock2
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We aren't looking to shoot anyone and nor do any of us want to. ][/quote


That's not entirely accurate. I had friends join infantry just to kill people and came back with confirmed kills.


You have netflix? Watch 'to hell and back again'That's real footage and actual real guys not some actors playing Rambo.

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Lol really.. It's the pictures he didn't add in that video that is truly mind fucking. Only 9 guys have these pictures and it will always remain that way, and I happen to be one of those. Your lucky I posted that video up just so you dis-respectful fucks can get off my nuts with this shit. It's not stuff I like to talk about. You say our guys. Like guys in your platoon? Saying you know someone that done this that and seen this that is far different than actually experiencing it first hand. Just because you know someone that done shit does not give you the right to talk down on someone you think didn't do shit or done shit. You can watch videos all you want boss but feeling the shockwave from the IED that killed guys you was just sleeping next to is an experience you can't get from a video.



You're not the only one in here that's been in combat herp derp. You're just the only one in here getting 100% disability, without any physical combat injuries.

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Lol really.. It's the pictures he didn't add in that video that is truly mind fucking. Only 9 guys have these pictures and it will always remain that way, and I happen to be one of those. Your lucky I posted that video up just so you dis-respectful fucks can get off my nuts with this shit. It's not stuff I like to talk about. You say our guys. Like guys in your platoon? Saying you know someone that done this that and seen this that is far different than actually experiencing it first hand. Just because you know someone that done shit does not give you the right to talk down on someone you think didn't do shit or done shit. You can watch videos all you want boss but feeling the shockwave from the IED that killed guys you was just sleeping next to is an experience you can't get from a video.



Were you drafted? Didn't think so. You were doing your job--thanks for that, but you were paid for your work. No one tricked you into joining the military. You knew or should have known going into the job what your duty would have entailed. You want disability for your so called PTSD, fine. Claiming hearing loss, as well as disability from the dirtbike wreck is what makes you 'bitch-made', in your words. That's why you will never have the respect of one single person on this forum--or any person who knows your story, for that matter

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Lol really.. It's the pictures he didn't add in that video that is truly mind fucking. Only 9 guys have these pictures and it will always remain that way, and I happen to be one of those. Your lucky I posted that video up just so you dis-respectful fucks can get off my nuts with this shit. It's not stuff I like to talk about. You say our guys. Like guys in your platoon? Saying you know someone that done this that and seen this that is far different than actually experiencing it first hand. Just because you know someone that done shit does not give you the right to talk down on someone you think didn't do shit or done shit. You can watch videos all you want boss but feeling the shockwave from the IED that killed guys you was just sleeping next to is an experience you can't get from a video.




Kind of like claiming a single digit pass off of other people with a similar set up or videos you saw on you tube? Take what you said and apply it to cars..

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Were you drafted? Didn't think so. You were doing your job--thanks for that, but you were paid for your work. No one tricked you into joining the military. You knew or should have known going into the job what your duty would have entailed. You want disability for your so called PTSD, fine. Claiming hearing loss, as well as disability from the dirtbike wreck is what makes you 'bitch-made', in your words. That's why you will never have the respect of one single person on this forum--or any person who knows your story, for that matter


Forums need a like button!

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Lol really.. It's the pictures he didn't add in that video that is truly mind fucking. Only 9 guys have these pictures and it will always remain that way, and I happen to be one of those. Your lucky I posted that video up just so you dis-respectful fucks can get off my nuts with this shit. It's not stuff I like to talk about. You say our guys. Like guys in your platoon? Saying you know someone that done this that and seen this that is far different than actually experiencing it first hand. Just because you know someone that done shit does not give you the right to talk down on someone you think didn't do shit or done shit. You can watch videos all you want boss but feeling the shockwave from the IED that killed guys you was just sleeping next to is an experience you can't get from a video.



It still blows my mind how fucking stupid you are. First off im not arguing that watching a video vs being there isnt completely different, but you said you have SEEN shit that no one wants to (and i said most of that is pretty much public "knowledge" at this point), all while playing the "pitty me" card because of it. Its a shame one of those ieds didnt get get you, but im sure its because you ran and hid as soon as shit started happening, like you did with your wife because your nothing more than a little bitch.


Were showing disrespect? No bitch, your disrespecting all the actual heros and vets by including yourself with them. Your nothing more than a little bitch made phaggot who thinks he earned an honored title because he SAW shit and hurt himself a fucking dirtbike.

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It still blows my mind how fucking stupid you are. First off im not arguing that watching a video vs being there isnt completely different, but you said you have SEEN shit that no one wants to (and i said most of that is pretty much public "knowledge" at this point), all while playing the "pitty me" card because of it. Its a shame one of those ieds didnt get get you, but im sure its because you ran and hid as soon as shit started happening, like you did with your wife because your nothing more than a little bitch.


Were showing disrespect? No bitch, your disrespecting all the actual heros and vets by including yourself with them. Your nothing more than a little bitch made phaggot who thinks he earned an honored title because he SAW shit and hurt himself a fucking dirtbike.



THAT just happened :fuckyeah:

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I am not going to say if you do or don't have PTSD, because a close friend's husband does suffer from it, and I have seen how it can change a person (ie his wife having to sleep in a different room because he would get 'confused' in the middle of the night and start choking her). However I know he is a COMBAT veteran, and saw a lot of things including a gruesome death of his best friend for 15 years.


I also know it to be a fact, especially after researching, that PTSD is the most abused and fraudulent military benefit sought after. There are a LOT of cases of those who need it getting denied, and those who don't, getting it. Based on the things you say in this forum and the way you present yourself, you PORTRAY YOURSELF as the latter.

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You want disability for your so called PTSD, fine. Claiming hearing loss, as well as disability from the dirtbike wreck is what makes you 'bitch-made', in your words. That's why you will never have the respect of one single person on this forum--or any person who knows your story, for that matter




People go through difficulties all the time in their lives. They either fight through them, or give up. You called it quits before you turned 21. Congrats


At the risk of the forum jockeys calling me a nut hugger...


Will you e-marry me? It's like we share a brain. <3

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I am not going to say if you do or don't have PTSD, because a close friend's husband does suffer from it, and I have seen how it can change a person (ie his wife having to sleep in a different room because he would get 'confused' in the middle of the night and start choking her). However I know he is a COMBAT veteran, and saw a lot of things including a gruesome death of his best friend for 15 years.


I also know it to be a fact, especially after researching, that PTSD is the most abused and fraudulent military benefit sought after. There are a LOT of cases of those who need it getting denied, and those who don't, getting it. Based on the things you say in this forum and the way you present yourself, you PORTRAY YOURSELF as the latter.


I heard about people claiming PTSD and never even deployed.. People can claim PTSD and it don't even have to be military related. Shady as fuck. I can't help what they rated me and yes there is a lot of vets who should recived more.. I'm not in charge in rateing people's claims so really there isn't shit I can do. You think I'm going to argue with their findings?

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