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I heard about people claiming PTSD and never even deployed.. People can claim PTSD and it don't even have to be military related. Shady as fuck. I can't help what they rated me and yes there is a lot of vets who should recived more.. I'm not in charge in rateing people's claims so really there isn't shit I can do. You think I'm going to argue with their findings? They didn't even get half way down my list of shit that's wrong with me before I was 100% and I assure you, even if I never wrecked the bike, my r


The question is morally do you really feel you deserve/need it?

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The question is morally do you really feel you deserve/need it?


I think everyone that deployed to a combat zone and enter a hostile environment should recive max benifits. But hey it's what we signed up for right? There's a lot other reasons why I think I deserve what I got and there's a lot more issues than just a dirt bike wreck.

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I think everyone that deployed to a combat zone and enter a hostile environment should recive max benifits. But hey it's what we signed up for right? There's a lot other reasons why I think I deserve what I got and there's a lot more issues than just a dirt bike wreck.


Stupidity doesnt count

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Its just crazy to me. I mean as I was looking into this and reading, and seeing cases of amputees who now have real life hardships getting less like $400-600 a month in benefits, then seeing people who are physically and emotionally 'normal'... getting +$3,000 a month just seems wack to me.... And the story of the guy who murdered a 12 y/o girl, then claiming PTSD and getting $4,000 a month for life after he got out of jail, it is incredible to me... the us taxpayers via our govt is paying for a child murderer to life to live. Think about it deeper on that one, the parents and family of the girl that was murdered is paying money to their daughter's killer!
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1391 bulk fuel specialist, deployed with CLB8(combat logistic battalion 8) deployed to Afghanistan in march 09 as security forces during the initial invasion of helmand province. Anything else you wanna know wild cat?


Wrong. In early April 2008, a battalion of U.S. Marines were sent to Helmand to aid NATO forces in the fight. 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, the battalion landing team for the 24th MEU started their combat operations with an attack on the Taliban-held town of Garmsir on April 28. The operation was carried out in conjunction with British troops of the 16 Air Assault Brigade. Taliban forces however had withdrawn from the town and taken up position further south.


If you are going to make shit up at least try and know your facts you fucking idiot. So now you defraud the United States Government with false claims and don't even know your unit's mission? Do you even know what operations the Marine Corps was part of in the Helmand Province? You are literally a piece of shit. CLB-8 was attached to 2nd Marine Expeditionary as a SUPPORT LOGISTICS BATTALION, you may have done FOB security and been on a COUPLE missions travel from FOB to FOB, but you didn't do shit. You disrespect your fellow Marines that died in combat and the other NATO forces that have died doing REAL combat operations with your false claims. Keep up your fake/false bitch story and feeding away. I will be contacting the connections I have to see what we can do about pulling your file and have them take a second look. Way to air out bullshit on the internet. Got to love screenshots.

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Wrong. In early April 2008, a battalion of U.S. Marines were sent to Helmand to aid NATO forces in the fight. 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, the battalion landing team for the 24th MEU started their combat operations with an attack on the Taliban-held town of Garmsir on April 28. The operation was carried out in conjunction with British troops of the 16 Air Assault Brigade. Taliban forces however had withdrawn from the town and taken up position further south.


If you are going to make shit up at least try and know your facts you fucking idiot. So now you defraud the United States Government with false claims and don't even know your unit's mission? Do you even know what operations the Marine Corps was part of in the Helmand Province? You are literally a piece of shit. CLB-8 was attached to 2nd Marine Expeditionary as a SUPPORT LOGISTICS BATTALION, you may have done FOB security and been on a COUPLE missions travel from FOB to FOB, but you didn't do shit. You disrespect your fellow Marines that died in combat and the other NATO forces that have died doing REAL combat operations with your false claims. Keep up your fake/false bitch story and feeding away. I will be contacting the connections I have to see what we can do about pulling your file and have them take a second look. Way to air out bullshit on the internet. Got to love screenshots.


We may be witnessing one of the greatest pwnage posts in the history of CR.

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Wrong. In early April 2008, a battalion of U.S. Marines were sent to Helmand to aid NATO forces in the fight. 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, the battalion landing team for the 24th MEU started their combat operations with an attack on the Taliban-held town of Garmsir on April 28. The operation was carried out in conjunction with British troops of the 16 Air Assault Brigade. Taliban forces however had withdrawn from the town and taken up position further south.


If you are going to make shit up at least try and know your facts you fucking idiot. So now you defraud the United States Government with false claims and don't even know your unit's mission? Do you even know what operations the Marine Corps was part of in the Helmand Province? You are literally a piece of shit. CLB-8 was attached to 2nd Marine Expeditionary as a SUPPORT LOGISTICS BATTALION, you may have done FOB security and been on a COUPLE missions travel from FOB to FOB, but you didn't do shit. You disrespect your fellow Marines that died in combat and the other NATO forces that have died doing REAL combat operations with your false claims. Keep up your fake/false bitch story and feeding away. I will be contacting the connections I have to see what we can do about pulling your file and have them take a second look. Way to air out bullshit on the internet. Got to love screenshots.


Ok faggit have you ever heard of advance parties? Useally leaves 3-5weeks prior to the actual battalion. I'm not sure how the army works. Clb-8 we built fob's on remote places. You can try and do w/e you want. All my claims are legit so come at me with some better shit. You really don't know what you're talking about. You don't think supporting convoys re-suppy traveling 80miles in hostile environment one way Not a real misson? Wanna have a pissing match with me solider? I sure an hell care less to claim who done or did more but I'm sure you have more time in service and higher rank in shit but that does not mean you been through more shit..





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Occupation: 11B


Ok faggit have you ever heard of advance parties? Useally leaves 3-5weeks prior to the actual battalion. I'm not sure how the army works. Clb-8 we built fob's on remote places. You can try and do w/e you want. All my claims are legit so come at me with some better shit. You really don't know what you're talking about. You don't think supporting convoys re-suppy traveling 80miles in hostile environment one way Not a real misson? Wanna have a pissing match with me solider? I sure an hell care less to claim who done or did more but I'm sure you have more time in service and higher rank in shit but that does not mean you been through more shit..




Also EL OH FUCKING EL at you saying "most the time when people say they've seen more shit, are usually the ones who haven't." That's what your "faggit" ass just did :lolguy:

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Also EL OH FUCKING EL at you saying "most the time when people say they've seen more shit, are usually the ones who haven't." That's what your "faggit" ass just did :lolguy:


I normally don't ever talk about the shit, but I'm not going to have some office jockey talk shit. O another think Dover... During the initial invasion of Helmand province we pushed some 3,500 marines down south overnight I think it was June 3-4.. Can't remember the dates. The biggest infantry movement since ww2, don't hold me on that. I can't rem dates for shit, just going off the top of my head

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Installs air shifter. Never uses it but complains its hard to get your legs up to shift on fast bike. Ok mr. shady. I'm the one making excuses? Beg the differ, I put the majority of my mods n such out there as you would see in my build thread. All you claim is you'll take the bottle off. I belive I mentioned I might be a good run for a stock busa and you come at me with your "stock" bike that's anything but stock wanting to run for 250$. You have a damn busa. How many cars in Ohio would be willing to run that even if it was bone stock?


It was on tw bike when I bought it dumbass. I never once said it was hard for me, I said it hard for people in general. How am I shady? I told u exactly the horsepower my bike makes so clearly not stock.... That's why I asked what you consider stock...

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There were no 300hp bikes in Texas racing and no 1,200hp Lambo's beating them. More like 250hp bikes and 1,500whp Lambo's... ;)




I thought he owned a Supra for a second. Says he's building a 1k-hp car and worried about a bolt-on BUSA... :lolguy:


Umm... I was trying to real him in asshole! And my busa is not a Bolton busa

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Its just crazy to me. I mean as I was looking into this and reading, and seeing cases of amputees who now have real life hardships getting less like $400-600 a month in benefits, then seeing people who are physically and emotionally 'normal'... getting +$3,000 a month just seems wack to me.... And the story of the guy who murdered a 12 y/o girl, then claiming PTSD and getting $4,000 a month for life after he got out of jail, it is incredible to me... the us taxpayers via our govt is paying for a child murderer to life to live. Think about it deeper on that one, the parents and family of the girl that was murdered is paying money to their daughter's killer!


This is so true, thats not even the surface. Some of the marines at the wounded warrior camp are their for numerous missing limbs, nerve issues, speech issues. Not only are they going thru grueling physical and mental therapy, they are hundreds/thousands miles away from their family and hometowns. Alot of the men get bullshit help after they complete the therapy and discharged from the military, i have no idea how this shit can happen.

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Ok faggit have you ever heard of advance parties? Useally leaves 3-5weeks prior to the actual battalion. I'm not sure how the army works. Clb-8 we built fob's on remote places. You can try and do w/e you want. All my claims are legit so come at me with some better shit. You really don't know what you're talking about. You don't think supporting convoys re-suppy traveling 80miles in hostile environment one way Not a real misson? Wanna have a pissing match with me solider? I sure an hell care less to claim who done or did more but I'm sure you have more time in service and higher rank in shit but that does not mean you been through more shit..







im sure disrespecting a higher ranking personal is going to get you far. your really have no idea how far you are digging yourself into a hole. dover isnt some hillbilly grunt that did 5 days, hes the real im gonna fuck you in the skull deal. ive seen him do some wild shit, and you have just opened yourself up to public humiliation. pray that he is gone overseas before he sees you at a car meet, it will prolly be the first time you have faced ," real combat"

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So he goes around talking shit and not expect anything back.. Am

I suppose to tuck my dick between my legs and run away everytime he insults me and try to use his creditals to tower over me? Higher rank sure.. Our battalion co which was a major in the usmc was on his first actual deployment in which I don't recall him leaving main base.. 21years of bragging rights there with no real war Experiance. Not everyone is afforded the oppertunity to deploy and I understand this. I don't down grade anyone or act like I'm better than them because I had some Experiance. It annoys me when people talk shit and down grade someone that they have no idea what hey done. I'm probilty one of the most respectfull guys and I advoid pissing matchs. I deal with some army reservists in school And that's bad enough hearing their drill stories.

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So he goes around talking shit and not expect anything back.. Am

I suppose to tuck my dick between my legs and run away everytime he insults me and try to use his creditals to tower over me? Higher rank sure.. Our battalion co which was a major in the usmc was on his first actual deployment in which I don't recall him leaving main base.. 21years of bragging rights there with no real war Experiance. Not everyone is afforded the oppertunity to deploy and I understand this. I don't down grade anyone or act like I'm better than them because I had some Experiance. It annoys me when people talk shit and down grade someone that they have no idea what hey done. I'm probilty one of the most respectfull guys and I advoid pissing matchs. I deal with some army reservists in school And that's bad enough hearing their drill stories.



in the nicest way posssible, he is going to kill you. mentally, emotionally, and seriously, hes prolly going to kill you. there is nothing he takes more serious than military, and respect of the military. you do anything that isnt on the up and up on that side and he finds out, he is going to kill you. im not joking, hes literally going to get permission to kill you. ;)

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Ok faggit have you ever heard of advance parties? Useally leaves 3-5weeks prior to the actual battalion. I'm not sure how the army works. Clb-8 we built fob's on remote places. You can try and do w/e you want. All my claims are legit so come at me with some better shit. You really don't know what you're talking about. You don't think supporting convoys re-suppy traveling 80miles in hostile environment one way Not a real misson? Wanna have a pissing match with me solider? I sure an hell care less to claim who done or did more but I'm sure you have more time in service and higher rank in shit but that does not mean you been through more shit..


I have heard of Advon (Advanced Party), but you claimed you were in the "initial invasion of Helmand Province" I said you were wrong as we had soldiers allocated to that area long before your petty 2009 deployment. I continue to throw fact your way, not talk shit. Apparently you are too fucking retarded to see between the two. You road on convoys you fucking cunt. You had to deal with IED's, boo fucking hoo so did everyone. You know what real combat arms does? I don't even care to explain because you'll try and find some way to identify your fucking pussy CONVOYS to them. YOU don't know shit about patrols, about raids, about ambushes in small spectrum's. You don't know a god damn thing you cry baby bitch. I wish you would have been the 1% that fucking killed themselves rather then bleed this country dry over your claims of bullshit. You think I don't know but I know you all to well. Please continue to talk shit about the Army and my career. I get we have low standards but that was for the fact we needed to put bodies on the line to fight a war. A war you apparently know nothing about. I could go on all day online about this, but please god I wait for the day I meet you. I have family in both Marine Corps and Army and we would all laugh at you to your face.


Do us all a favor, stop wasting tax money and kill yourself. Literally go buy or borrow a gun and put a single bullet in your head. Try not to fuck that up, and claim more benefits you worthless bitch. And yes you are right at one thing I DO have more experience and I AM a higher rank than you. You fucking coward.

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I have heard of Advon (Advanced Party), but you claimed you were in the "initial invasion of Helmand Province" I said you were wrong as we had soldiers allocated to that area long before your petty 2009 deployment. I continue to throw fact your way, not talk shit. Apparently you are too fucking retarded to see between the two. You road on convoys you fucking cunt. You had to deal with IED's, boo fucking hoo so did everyone. You know what real combat arms does? I don't even care to explain because you'll try and find some way to identify your fucking pussy CONVOYS to them. YOU don't know shit about patrols, about raids, about ambushes in small spectrum's. You don't know a god damn thing you cry baby bitch. I wish you would have been the 1% that fucking killed themselves rather then bleed this country dry over your claims of bullshit. You think I don't know but I know you all to well. Please continue to talk shit about the Army and my career. I get we have low standards but that was for the fact we needed to put bodies on the line to fight a war. A war you apparently know nothing about. I could go on all day online about this, but please god I wait for the day I meet you. I have family in both Marine Corps and Army and we would all laugh at you to your face.


Do us all a favor, stop wasting tax money and kill yourself. Literally go buy or borrow a gun and put a single bullet in your head. Try not to fuck that up, and claim more benefits you worthless bitch. And yes you are right at one thing I DO have more experience and I AM a higher rank than you. You fucking coward.


So I take it you are in the infantry and you raided mud house n shit? Went on foot patrols through the towns? What do you do in the service again? Since iEds and idf is basic shit you must been through some hard shit man. My bads I didn't mean to question your hardship Experience.. Or atleast you talk like it. Don't tell me your a helicopter pilot that flys some general around from base to base..

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I know I did my share in here, but this thread is starting to take a much too dark, unsettling, and personal turn. All of it now seems a bit too uncomfortable. Maybe it's best that admins/mods lock this thread, as I would think all the points that need to have been made have been made.
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I'm probilty one of the most respectfull guys and I advoid pissing matchs.




office jockey

Ok faggit

Hey fuck tard

Mommy didn't give you enough allowance

grown man living in the basement?

Aren't you a book keeper or some shit?

U don't rate to say shit..

Sooo your another cheerleader.. Cute. Who's palm pons are you holding?

If you have no life like Sammy..

Cup cakes like you

cup cake

Get fat...like you?


cup cake.

Go learn how to check your oil



cute mustang

sweet cheeks

your weak ass stang coming?

scooter boy


And that's just this thread.... Yea, you're totally respectful to people, and CLEARLY go out of your way to avoid conflict/pissing matches.. /sarcasm

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I know I did my share in here, but this thread is starting to take a much too dark, unsettling, and personal turn. All of it now seems a bit too uncomfortable. Maybe it's best that admins/mods lock this thread, as I would think all the points that need to have been made have been made.


I going to have to agree with you on this one. At this point imstock2 won't change certain peoples opinion of him and it's turned into a pointless pissing contest.

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