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Taco Flavored Kisses


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did you really remove me from the discussion cause i made valid points? i also gave you a direction to go. Since you wanna be a pussy and remove people who try to help, let me be a dick but honest. Your claims of work are laughable for someone your age, you have a teenagers resume and wonder why you cant make more $. your expierence in the work force is limited by your motivation to do better for yourself, the only thing that you have done to better your situation is getting married to a surgar mama. Hell the highest promotion youve had in life is being a cr mod. its no wonder you cant get over being in a call center, you spend all your time on cr trying to be a sweet ass mod, get your life together you pussy.
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I must have missed something.


It's all Gabe's fault anyways.


its in the meat market section; he didnt like my advice so he removed me from discussion. Real life problems, i must have hurt his feelings

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Be FILL, rustle CR's jimmies, call out mods, give no fucks, and not get banned.

EDIT: except my jimmies, they are unrustleable.


ive been banned more times than my post count. thats real... im pretty sure i hold the highest amount of times banned. if not, i need to try harder

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No he rustled my inner " I can't stand fucking retards" button


Kids today, no respect.


Phil is the undisputed king of bans.


BC has banned him so many times in a given day, I've lost count.




PS: Paul didn't kick you out of that thread.. I DID.



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Kids today, no respect.


Phil is the undisputed king of bans.

BC has banned him so many times in a given day, I've lost count.




PS: Paul didn't kick you out of that thread.. I DID.










MODS MUST UNITE TO PROTECT ONE ANOTHER !!!! so does he have to hold your internet pocket from now on? does he have to give you his fruit cup? does he scrub your back while in the shower together? i just wanna know what kinda grown man needs a smaller, less aggressive, cup cake like guard to handle his issues?

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MODS MUST UNITE TO PROTECT ONE ANOTHER !!!! so does he have to hold your internet pocket from now on? does he have to give you his fruit cup? does he scrub your back while in the shower together? i just wanna know what kinda grown man needs a smaller, less aggressive, cup cake like guard to handle his issues?


Paul is not a super mod.

He asked if I could clean up the thread for him.

Same as it would be if any person PM'd and asked for BS to be removed.

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Paul is not a super mod.

He asked if I could clean up the thread for him.

Same as it would be if any person PM'd and asked for BS to be removed.


did he have to pay the piper? and :lol: @ the super mod verification. being a "super mod" is literally a nice way of calling you a super homo, or a super nerd, maybe even a super internet mall cop. Its like the highest ranking clown in the cunt circus. you know the internet is real life when you have to contact a "super mod" to clean up a thread for you. The vagina percentage grows at a staggering rate each year.





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