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Not for the faint of heart or Camaro lover


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Found my old crash photos.


After 15 years of not "knowing" my Dad we were re-introduced. So I decided to stay at his house overnight in Delaware and drive to school in the morning. So I left his house and decided to cut through the game preserve to get out to 23. It was foggy out but I figure.. "Hey I'm young I can handle speeding down this road".. As I came over a little mound in the road I see the dead end. At this point it I realize why I shouldn't be speeding. As I tried to slam on my brakes, but the loose gravel on the road wasn't letting me slow down. So I end up hitting a small embankment and the next thing I know I am waking up with blood everywhere and I can barely see out of my left eye.




I busted out the driver's side window with the side of my head, bent the steering wheel with my face and spider-ed the front windshield with the top of my head. I was knocked out for about 20 mins. I was all alone and had to walk a mile and half back to my dad's house. Once I got to the hospital the nurse asked of my dashboard was blue. I said yes why? As she pulled the q-tip from my lip under my nose it was blue.


I ended up with 35 stitches, including 5 to repair my sliced left eye lid, which was why I couldn't see out of my left eye.

Edited by justcause
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