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Gun confiscations becoming a reality...


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I received an email yesterday from Cheaper than Dirt, I get it is a bit of a scare tactic, but is becoming a reality... have any of you thought about what you would do if it comes to this in Ohio and what we can do to make sure it does not?






As the implementation dates draw ever closer for shooters in some states to turn over semi-auto rifles, give up magazines of a certain size, register heretofore unregistered firearms, and perhaps have guns confiscated, some observers are saying they expect that many gunowners will not comply with new local, state and federal gun rules. And some law-enforcement officials are saying they won’t enforce laws they believe infringe on the 2nd Amendment.


“I’ve heard from hundreds of people that they’re prepared to defy the law, and that number will be magnified by the thousands, by the tens of thousands, when the registration deadline comes,” said President Brian Olesen with American Shooters Supply, among the biggest gun dealers in New York. (The New York Post)

Sheriff John Cooke says he won’t enforce new gun-control measures in Weld County, which covers a large part of northeastern Colorado, and legal experts say he won’t be breaking the law. (The Saratogian)

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs said it will not comply with the provision of New York’s new gun control law requiring mental health providers to report potentially dangerous individuals to state authorities. (Times Union)

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) has a running tally of all the sheriffs across the nation that have joined together to defend the Constitution. At the time of this post, there are 15 sheriffs associations, 340 sheriffs, one police chief and one deputy sheriff who have stated they will not enforce any new gun laws.(CNS News)

The California Senate approved a $24-million expenditure on Thursday to speed the confiscation of guns from people who have been disqualified from owning firearms because of criminal convictions or serious mental illness.… [T]here is a backlog of 19,000 people who have improper possession of more than 40,000 guns, including 1,600 assault weapons, and the number is increasing faster than their firearms can be confiscated.(Los Angeles Times)

Wearing bulletproof vests and carrying 40-caliber Glock pistols, nine California (STOCA1) Justice Department agents assembled outside a ranch-style house in a suburb east of Los Angeles. They were looking for a gun owner who’d recently spent two days in a mental hospital. They knocked on the door and asked to come in. About 45 minutes later, they came away peacefully with three firearms.(Bloomberg.com)

The toughest part of New York’s SAFE statute — banning in-state sales of guns newly classified as “assault weapons” — immediately took effect Jan. 15. An estimated 1 million currently owned, formerly legal guns with a single military-style feature, like a pistol grip on semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines, must be registered by April 15, 2014.(The Oneida Daily Dispatch)

At one time, it was hypothetical to ask, “If your state, county, or city bans guns or accessories you currently own, will you give them up?” Now, the reality is that formerly legal firearms may become illegal to own overnight in some jurisdictions such as New York, and other states such as California, Maryland, and Illinois are contemplating all sorts of anti-gun “options.” And though a federal gun ban seems unlikely, it’s still a possibility. And having all private sales require a NICS check looks more likely every day.

So what’s your plan if DiFi comes a-callin’? If you can tell us without violating your OPSEC, what will you do?

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+1 CTD is dead to me. $139 for a used USGI mag GTFO...




Latest email from them advertises the 'optics ready' version of the S&W AR-15 for the sale price of $1,800.


Pre hysteria price: $900. Post hysteria price everywhere else $1,200.


Fuck CTD. They are just trying to keep this bullshit going by fanning the flames.

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no.... and the point of this wasn't to see who would hide their firearms, etc... I'm asking what we can do now to avoid this from happening here.


You can keep hounding your representatives to make sure they don't accept the so-called "universal background checks" for starters. Call, write, and email.


To be able to enforce background checks on private sales of firearms, there will have to be a National Firearms Registry. The Registry will be the first step for future confiscation, IF it would ever come to that.

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You can keep hounding your representatives to make sure they don't accept the so-called "universal background checks" for starters. Call, write, and email.


To be able to enforce background checks on private sales of firearms, there will have to be a National Firearms Registry. The Registry will be the first step for future confiscation, WHEN it comes to that.


Fixed it for ya.


1. The antis always bring up that registries are prohibited by law. Here's my answer: "You mean one of the laws the federal government made for themselves, that can be changed at any time, and ignored with impunity by the Executive branch anyway?" :dumb:


2. By complicating the law, the government hopes to make unwitting criminals of otherwise law abiding citizens. It is one of their key sources of power. Making honest men criminals gives you a measure of control over them as the govt. can now 'elect' not to ruin lives as long as citizens toe the line. They also use just the fear of unintentionally breaking the law as a powerful agent to shape behavior. (Make something complicated enough and people just won't do it)

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it was hypothetical to ask, “If your state, county, or city bans guns or accessories you currently own, will you give them up?” Now, the reality is that formerly legal firearms may become illegal to own overnight in some jurisdictions such as New York, and other states such as California, Maryland, and Illinois are contemplating all sorts of anti-gun “options.” And though a federal gun ban seems unlikely, it’s still a possibility. And having all private sales require a NICS check looks more likely every day.

So what’s your plan if DiFi comes a-callin’? If you can tell us without violating your OPSEC, what will you do?


I don't own any firearms thus, no I wouldn't have much to say. :masturboy:


reenforces the reason to buy via private sale now with cash and not register anything. I pay cash for everything weapon related and have zero interest in giving big brother any information on anything related to this subject.

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