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Accident reports and massive amounts of calls.

Trouble Maker

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Them sounds like fight'n words.


It was more along the lines of putting fear into you.



Douche: "You aren't a doctor, how do you know you don't have a serious problem right now?"


Me: "Stop calling my cell phone"


Douche: "You could be paralyzed in a few days due to your injuries!!! please talk to me"


Last thing I heard as I was hanging up.

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Cliff Notes version? Bunch of geese all over both sides of the road, van stopped for them in front of me, honking his horn at the geese. I got out of my car to get them out of the way, and he stomped the gas and ran me down when I was in front of him. Sore knees, scrapes and bruises, but I saw him coming at the last instant and squared up. Took out his grill, headlight, destroyed his hood, took off one windshield wiper, and shattered his windshield. He took off, but there were witnesses and he got caught a couple miles away. Tried to claim his van was stolen, but since he was IN IT WHEN THEY CAUGHT HIM....


What's he been charged with? Attempted murder? Reckless op?

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