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AM 820 bumper sticker cars


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I'm tired of your asshole driver style. Every time I see the bumper sticker, the car is either driving through traffic like a mad man or cutting someone off when there's plenty of room around the to not have to do that. Those assholes are going to get someone killed. Maybe that's what that station wants, send some people to hecen or hell. Who freaking knows?


So I just tuned to the Chanel for my 5 minute drive to get lunch. Aparently, I need to figure out what The Lord has planned for me. And I need to figure it out today! It was said if I'm at work, or where ever(she listed like 8 places people could be listen from) that I should take the time to focus on The Lord. So I did for a second, I think this chick was trying to me fired. I got shit to do, and my boss isn't going to be happy with "I'm trying to figure out what The Lord has planned for me" as my excuse for not getting shit done.



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Eh, I'm not sure faith or religion has much to do with it. Seems like no one can drive anymore, let alone pay attention.... Lord help us all


Nailed it.


I've been providing "get the fuck out of the passing lane" lessons lately on 315. I usually teach 3-6 people per trip.

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90% of cars with bumper stickers drive like fucktards. Which makes sense because 90% of people who put bumper stickers on their cars are fucktards.


Usually it's an old piece of shit family car driven by some dumbass hipster, a Prius or Smart Car with an old douchebag hippie, or a beat dick conversion van driven by some fat bumbling idiot.

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