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CCW Class on May 4th


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I have openings for my CCW class being held on May 4th. This is a one day, 12 hour class, that runs from 8am-8pm. Cost for CR members is $75 per person, or $125 for a couple. Non CR members are $100 per person and $150 per couple. Gun rental is $10 if you need to use a gun. Ammo is $10 also. The class is taught in Johnston, about 15 minutes from Easton.


If you and your friends or family have been thinking about taking the class and just haven't pulled the trigger on doing it, jump in on this one. My work schedule is getting a little demanding for my free time, so I'm only doing one class a month now.


For those interested in the class, please PM me your intent and I will get you the address and any details needed.


Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you guys there.

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Future classes are put together based on interest and dates of availability. I'm looking at June now. If someone has a group of friends or family that want to do the class, we work out a date and then if there are open seats I fill them.
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Please let me know when the next one is, I will be out of town that date. Very interested


how many people do you need for a class? i have my friend(and possibly his wife) me(and possibly my fiancee), Supplicium and i may have another friend interested as well....

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