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Office Move Sale - Come Get This Stuff for Cheap

Dr. Pomade

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**Everything has been sold - Mods/Admins please feel free to lock this thread**


I'm moving offices and have a bunch of stuff to get rid of, including:


- two large, professional desks (one is in good condition, the other is in great condition)


- a bunch of decent sized, but smaller desks (which are in good condition)


- two black (faux) leather couches and a couple black (faux) leather matching chairs


- about a trillion chairs of various makes, sizes, etc. All of them are black. A lot of them would make great for like a poker room or just extra chairs when you have family over, whatever.


- a bunch of framed pictures of artsy-type things that were put throughtout the office


- some other little decoration things, like fake plants, lamps, etc.


Here's the deal - I just want this stuff gone. The problem is, I need it gone by Sunday afternoon. So, I'm going to practically give this stuff away. You get to be the beneficiary to all my chaos. Yay!


I think I'm supposed to put prices in here, so here you go:


-I will sell you every piece of furniture I've discussed for $350. The entire office is yours for that amount. Need to furnish an office of your own? You just did for $350. Or however much you just negotiated me down to.


- You want just individual things? How about $1 each for the little stuff. The bigger stuff? Like $25. The desks? $50. Whatever, I'm just making up numbers.


Just bring some money, show up, make an offer, and take it. You're not going to hurt my feelings if you show up and are like, "Dude, I will give you 19 cents for that chair." I will probably tell you to keep the 19 cents and just leave with the chair because I'm tired of looking at it.


I know this is likely the worst for sale post in the history of for sale stuff or posting. Sorry. I didn't think I would have to go this route, but my Plan A fell through. You don't give a fuck about my problems. Just come swindle me out of some office shit. Seriously, it will be fun.


Post up if you have questions, whatever. I know I don't have pictures - it's because I'm short on time and don't really want to play photographer. However, if you have requests for pics, I'll try to honor them. I will charge for nudes of me or my wife, however.


Edit: Address for the office is 100 W. Third Ave, Suite 200, Cols, 43201. It's located in Victorian Village/Short North area. There is parking in the lot (which is my lot) that is off of Apollo Avenue. To get to my office from elevator, hit 2R - the elevator doors will open from behind you.


Edit x2: you're on your own for getting the stuff out of my office. The big desks are massive and would require several people to assist in moving - or you have to bring tool and break them down and take them out in pieces.


Edit x3: I'm treating this as first come, first serve. I'll be at the office Friday from 3pm to 5pm. I'll be there on Saturday from 1pm to about 5pm. I'll be there on Sunday from noon to about 5pm.

Edited by Dr. Pomade
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I can stop down tomorrow and i am interested in a couch, a chair or 2 and maybe a desk, if i need to come tonight i can, but tomorrow is definitely better. would like to see pics but i understand if you cant get them.


Also on the nudes of your wife you need to list a price as per the rules, i will give you a crips $5 for a tasteful pic :)

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I'm going to be at the office at 3pm today. I'll be there from 3pm to about 5pm. Then, I'll be back at the office from 1pm until about 5pm on Saturday and I will be there from noon until 5pm on Sunday as well.


I'm going to approach this as a first come, first serve basis - unless you guys want to sort out who has dibs on what in here. Is that fair?


I added my address and phone number to OP.

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I can stop down tomorrow and i am interested in a couch, a chair or 2 and maybe a desk, if i need to come tonight i can, but tomorrow is definitely better. would like to see pics but i understand if you cant get them.


Also on the nudes of your wife you need to list a price as per the rules, i will give you a crips $5 for a tasteful pic :)


I'll try to get pics later on today when I'm back at office. I'm at another office at the moment.

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Would any of those chairs you have for sale pass for kitchen table chairs?


Maybe? They are like a hard plastic/metal and they are all black. So, they are ultra durable and easily cleaned. They don't look like they have any wear on them. They may sit a bit lower than your typical kitchen chairs. And they don't look like they belong in a kitchen (at least to me, anyway).

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I think i would be able to see a solid 9" of it.




The balls would be in your eye's. The couches are mine bitch.














Just kidding, you can have them. I was grabbing them for a co-worker. hahaha

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I'm at office now.


Also, I forgot that I also have this stuff too:


- a fully functional medical exam table. (I don't know, use it for your fetish shit.)


- several computer beyboards. (One is a Dell that isn't even out of wrapping.)


- a digital camera from like 2003 (so it's huge), but it works


- an HP officejet v40 printer


- a whole stack of unopened DVR-Rs


- a computer monitor that looks like it is from 1984 (it's retro chic!)

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