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for what it matters, were getting around 12 grand total with tax return and her student loan which all she needs to buy is a couple books. Her car is fine just need the timing belt job still, hours dropped to 20ish at work and we used up the extra we set aside for that on bills. my car needs about $100 to fix which I'm doing the slave and speed sensor this weekend.


So you're using student loan money for a vacation? What's paying for school, financial aid?

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for what it matters, were getting around 12 grand total with tax return and her student loan which all she needs to buy is a couple books. Her car is fine just need the timing belt job still, hours dropped to 20ish at work and we used up the extra we set aside for that on bills. my car needs about $100 to fix which I'm doing the slave and speed sensor this weekend.


Coming from someone that learned the hard way about making stupid financial decisions (racking up almost 30k in CC and other misc debt by the time i was 20). This is a stupid, stupid idea. You will go and spend all your money, come back, be poor and then you will repeat the same vicious cycle over and over again. Not trying to be a dick but from reading this post as well as some of the others you've started on here, you should probably sit down and think this out a little more....

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were getting 8 grand from taxes, so were using half and saving half. her loan is extra cushion in case something crazy does happen to a car.


Take whatever you think you'll spend on a vacation and double it, then you are at a realistic area of where you may end up at. That's what I've done before and it usually seems about spot on. $4,000-$6,000 on a trip the kids may love but not remember is insane.


Even more insane is putting money you are paying interest on, into a saving's account that you aren't making enough money off of in interest to break even on it. Student loans, even government subsidized student loans are not cheap. I'm hoping it is at least a government loan, because they will at least give you the common courtesy of warning you and putting on a little lube. Private lenders are the devil's work and give even less of a fuck about the person asking for money.


Just take them somewhere for a 4 day weekend or something. Use the money for stuff you actually need to pay for like, electric, water, gas, insurance and getting vehicles running properly so you can rely on them to take you to work to make money...

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Coming from someone that learned the hard way about making stupid financial decisions (racking up almost 30k in CC and other misc debt by the time i was 20). This is a stupid, stupid idea. You will go and spend all your money, come back, be poor and then you will repeat the same vicious cycle over and over again. Not trying to be a dick but from reading this post as well as some of the others you've started on here, you should probably sit down and think this out a little more....


For the love of all that is good and holy, and from someone who also racked up substantial debt and has had to work like crazy to pay it off, PLEASE listen to the advice above. Your kids won't give a crap about where some Disney skank lives when they're 12 or so and daddy can't provide a decent home for them.


Not trying to be a jerk. Just trying to save you some of the heartache I've been through.

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for what it matters, were getting around 12 grand total with tax return and her student loan which all she needs to buy is a couple books. Her car is fine just need the timing belt job still, hours dropped to 20ish at work and we used up the extra we set aside for that on bills. my car needs about $100 to fix which I'm doing the slave and speed sensor this weekend.



Open a bank account. Save it. Lock thread.

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This is just my opinion, but save everything you get back and put a lot of it towards her schooling. After she graduates and gets a decent paying job, then start saving for a vacation, you will be in a better place in life then to do so. If you absolutely want a vacation now, you can have just as much fun and spend way less doing so by going somewhere that's not as much of a tourist trap. What Grant said is not a bad idea, just take a long weekend somewhere.
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