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British soldier beheaded in London


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Perhaps this type of shit will inspire them to consider revising their gun laws. I'd be surprised if someone in the states wouldn't have gone off on them if it happened here.


I'd likely be charged for excessive force or something simply reloading a second clip as the attackers lay there bleeding out with 1/2 of their heads left in tact.

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Wish they had captured them instead of killing them. Then they could be condemned to Life. If they want to die, then make them live. Strap them down, hook them up to machines to keep them alive, and then leave them alone in a room until natural brain death. Fuck paying $40K a year to jail a guy for carrying a joint. Put that money towards giving people like this the most horrific life, not death, they can imagine.
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Wish they had captured them instead of killing them. Then they could be condemned to Life. If they want to die, then make them live. Strap them down, hook them up to machines to keep them alive, and then leave them alone in a room until natural brain death. Fuck paying $40K a year to jail a guy for carrying a joint. Put that money towards giving people like this the most horrific life, not death, they can imagine.


I always imagine a life like the "sloth" guy in Se7en would be best for people who deserve it.

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"He shouted at the men to stop, only for one of them to pull out a gun and threaten to shoot him."

-1 for gun control advocacy.


Even in England, street murderers don't seem to obey the local firearm laws.

(Not to mention the whole beheading thing.)

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