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Bed was rock'n tonight!


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So we're back out west enjoying more San Fran time up watching a movie in the room as the kids play and the room on the top floor starts shaking. I looked at my wife and asked her if we had too much wine....nope...wine doesn't cause the TV to rock and the blinds to swing.


My first earthquake :fuckyeah:


That is all.....

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My first earthquake experience was about 3 years ago when I was visiting my mom in Reno. We were sitting in the living room and it started moving. Only lasted like 2 seconds. I freaked. Mom looked and me and started laughing. I asked her what that one might have registered and she said it probably didn't even really register. She said that they were having worse ones earlier that year that knocked pictures off the wall. That would suck.
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loved earthquakes growing up in California. Was always crazy when you were up a hill looking down, you could always see the shake almost as if it was coming at you from afar...trippy sight to see.



Born in LA. Lived off and on out West (Southern Cali and Nevada) for years. Honestly, it's kinda exciting. :woowoo:


glad im not the only one :D

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