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I'd deputize you, but you'll just find that it's not worth the extra effort to correct so many people (especially with the increasing membership). And, once you start calling people out... the first thing they're going to do is bust on you if you make anything but perfect posts with perfect grammar. Why do you think I have to edit most of my posts 50 times? Because I don't proofread until after I hit the button and find a ton of things that need corrected, and I still miss stuff.


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BecuzwezknotenSchool. andzneidzateacha. Yuzuotdog!

Welcome to the world to the internet. I still have to copy and paste some of the acronyms and find out what the hell they is talking about!


By the way, just to let you know....... my pussy hurts!

Don't tell anybody it's a secret!

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It's one thing to misspell an unusual word, or to now know what an acronym stands for. But misusing the word "to" I mean really?!

I appreciate the nod for grammar police deputization, but that Booty Hunter hat has a sirens call..

And LOST I hope your pussy feels better too?

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I don't think it's important. Who cares it's the internet/texting world.

Only time something like that bothers me is when it's WRITTEN on PAPER! Formal writing is when it matters. I can make my brain fully function outside of the norms of formal writing and translate what others are trying to convey with their posts and not flip out over it.

Formal writing is the only time it matters. Other than that, you need to revaluate your anger issues over stuff that isn't important. If that stuff upsets you this much, I'd hate to see you with issues that really are important. Damn! :nono:

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It's cool, I understand that everyone has thier per peve's. So say what';s realy on your mind.

I can't spelll for shit soooooooooo.

For me, I hate when folks just bitch and complain about stupid shit !

Oh and I hate bully's too !! LOL

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