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I don't think it's important. Who cares it's the internet/texting world.

Only time something like that bothers me is when it's WRITTEN on PAPER! Formal writing is when it matters. I can make my brain fully function outside of the norms of formal writing and translate what others are trying to convey with their posts and not flip out over it.

Formal writing is the only time it matters. Other than that, you need to revaluate your anger issues over stuff that isn't important. If that stuff upsets you this much, I'd hate to see you with issues that really are important. Damn! :nono:

this thread has to be a fucking joke- :eek:

- get a fucking life bro if misspelled words bother you ;)

+1 nick

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I love people that bitch about spelling. They obviously don't use Blackberries or iPhones, they probably only post a handful of responses and when they do bitch, they typically make mistakes, too.

Oh, well... I's gots bettur things ta do anywayz...

My $.02? If you understand what they typed on the internet, it is 100% accepted.

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It isn't a matter of taking the time to do it correctly. It is a matter of not knowing you are fucking up.

People also don't appreciate the language for what it is. Words are the entire basis of our legal system. Language is part of what defines us as a culture and as a people. Communication skillz aren't important to most people because looking and sounding like a jackass is completely acceptable in today's society.

I was at the local McDonald's on Saturday waiting on my oh-so-delicious chocolate milk shake when I heard someone beside me utter this...

"Can I get me a number 4 wif a large diet Coke?"

I just shook my head' date=' retrieved my tasty shake and walked out the door.

It's accepted as communication in today's society. I know it wasn't allowed when I was a child, not at school nor at my parents' house. Of course, I did attend a private, Christian school which means I learned nothing of usefulness and all kinds of bedroom stories. Hey, at least my spelling and grammar are spot on.... most of the time.[/quote']

I agree completely... You probably enjoyed the fact that the OP started a sentence with a conjunction, too. I think it is hypocritical to bitch about grammar and spelling all the while he made a mistake, as well...

I know it will be argued that it is somewhat now acceptable to start a sentence with "but" or "and", but get any English teacher to allow it. Even check the legal system for any sentences that start with "and".

Point is that the OP and many like him start shit over the dumbest stuff and yet, they act as if they are holier than thou in the way they carry themselves. Personally, I don't care. I try to spell well and formulate my wording properly. However, this is the internet and we don't do a rough draft or several write-ups before the final print...

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I don't call people out for grammar mistakes, however it does drive me crazy sometimes. I certainly don't type perfect either...

But I figure why not try to type your best all the time. It's like practice for when you need to.

You don't take your bike out on the track and just because it's not a race, ride half ass doing wheelies and burnouts...

I'll agree it's a bit much, like I said, to call people out everytime they mis-spell a word or use the wrong grammar. It's not that difficult to put a little effort into looking over a post one time after you've typed it though.

I'm going to have to agree with the OP this time... :bigfinger:

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I make mistakes too and I'll be the first to admit that I've forgotten half of what I learned in school about correct grammar and sentance structure!

I think the point is that people who don't even TRY to formulate an articulate sentance can be annoying.... It gets old to try to read a post and figure out what the hell someone is trying to say. I'm not talking about a simple your vs you're issue here, I'm talking about: no puncuation, bad spelling, transposed letters and the like.

Lizard, what are you complaining about....your posts are always well versed!

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My college grades:

ENG101 - B

ENG102 - A

I did well in English classes, but could care less about how I structure sentences in a damn forum. I'm not going to have 2 rough drafts, a revision, and a final draft before posting. I just don't really care.

Proper speaking like Isaac mentioned though is off topic. That is really important compared to an internet forum.

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It seems to me the people bitching and moaning about this the most, are the one's that generally type pretty well...

See examples above (Nick, Issac, Lizard, JRMiii...)

I just think the OP is off his rocker and get upset when people use grammar and spelling to point out flaws. I just simply point out flaws no matter who you are. I'm an equal opportunity asshole...:D

Oh, and my mom and wife are serious school teachers and are on my ass when it comes to how I write and talk, etc.

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I just think the OP is off his rocker and get upset when people use grammar and spelling to point out flaws. I just simply point out flaws no matter who you are. I'm an equal opportunity asshole...:D

QFT. I think that your grammar, typing, etc is often (not all the time) an indication of your personality. Sloppiness and laziness in your speech or grammar sometimes indicates your lifestyle and personality. If you don't care enough to properly communicate with others, then what else don't you care about?

Sorry, just ranting out loud.

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I said inject WIN, not "inject the business end of a farm animal with your postwhoring penis."

Ohhhhhhhhhh SNAPS!

This is working out perfectly, now I sit back and enjoy the fireworks


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