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I agree. The original announcement was seen almost universally as a failure, and Microsoft is continuing to dig themselves deeper.


I was 360 mainly this generation, although I also own a PS3, but I will likely be making the switch unless Microsoft pulls something amazing out of their ass next week at E3.

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I agree. The original announcement was seen almost universally as a failure, and Microsoft is continuing to dig themselves deeper.


I was 360 mainly this generation, although I also own a PS3, but I will likely be making the switch unless Microsoft pulls something amazing out of their ass next week at E3.


Yeah, the more I read about this thing, the less I like it.


Sony could powerfuck Microsoft on this deal if they play it right.


My question is, who at Microsoft thought this was a good idea?

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None of these "awful" things people keep pointing out have any effect on me whatsoever. The problem arises when the user base is diminished because of people who are affected by these things going to the PS4 or people who can't think for themselves just following along. Then it affects me because you end up with a smaller number of people to play with.
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I think I will wait for both systems to be out for a while and get the bugs worked out before I make a decision to purchase one, however it is sounding like I am going to be leaning towards Sony this time. The only game series I really play is COD and it is available on both.
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I buy all my games used minus cod. Buy a bunch for $10/ea at gamestop then sell em for the same or more if they suck. Sounds like Microsoft wants a slice of that pie, and I don't like that. If everything pans out for the worst I'd rather just build a better gaming computer.
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What is the change needed? I play Netflix and race or shoot stuff. It's HD and does lot more that I never use, I guess.


What are people looking for it to do?


People don't like that you have to "check-in" with the MS servers once every 24 hours (so you have to have internet availability once a day) and the whole used game clusterfuck that I don't care about so I probably don't know enough to explain it but it's something like this...


Different game publishers may or may not have agreements with a place like Gamestop to allow you to trade in your games. You can't lend games to your friends. You can give them/sell them to your friends if they've been on your friends list for more than 30 days but then they absolutely cannot sell them/trade them in after that.


These are the two biggest complaints right now. I'm always around internet and if it comes to it I'm sure I could use my smartphone as a hotspot and "check-in" that way so that has no effect on me. I have bought/sold a game used a couple times in the last 5-6 years but have always wanted the ability to simply download titles at launch and that is going to happen with the One so I wouldn't be able to sell them regardless.

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I think the Xbox Live features (gaming/apps like Netflix, etc.) won't work at least. Just until the next time you can check in. The biggest thing with that is if you have a single player game you could normally play offline, if you don't do the check-in then you can't play that until you do.
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what happens if you don't check in? Does your xbox get locked for eternity?


You can't play a single player game without checking in. Want to bring your new console to some random event/house/hotel/vacation? You can't play that game you own by yourself without internet. Look at this expensive paperweight it is so cool.

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If you're going somewhere that doesn't have internet I tend to think it's to "disconnect" a bit from technology (camping, etc.). So why would you want to bring your console anyway? And if you're going to an event or something I assume it's in a place with, at the very least, cell phone service. Use your phone as a hotspot to check in real quick, boom... done.


The most legit reason I've seen complaining about the internet check-ins are military overseas who go days or more without any kind of connection available and have grown accustomed to being able to wind down in what free time they do have with some video games.

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If you're going somewhere that doesn't have internet I tend to think it's to "disconnect" a bit from technology (camping, etc.). So why would you want to bring your console anyway? And if you're going to an event or something I assume it's in a place with, at the very least, cell phone service. Use your phone as a hotspot to check in real quick, boom... done.


The most legit reason I've seen complaining about the internet check-ins are military overseas who go days or more without any kind of connection available and have grown accustomed to being able to wind down in what free time they do have with some video games.


Ever go to someone's wedding you don't really care about? Chances are you are not the only fucker with that mindset. You are the "best man" if you bring an xbox, 4 controllers, halo and beers for your hotel room.

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Ever go to someone's wedding you don't really care about? Chances are you are not the only fucker with that mindset. You are the "best man" if you bring an xbox, 4 controllers, halo and beers for your hotel room.


:lol: Been there. It was such a back woods location that my cell didn't even have signal unless I went outside.

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