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Please explain what parts of what ms had in mind was considered moving forward. Got any links to the h@rdc0r3 gamer discussions? Honestly none of their old plans would have affected me, I just don't see how/why they wouldn't let you use the console offline.
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You are part of the hive mind. It's OK. You and thousands if not millions of others didn't understand the concept. Like I said, go check some gaming sites today. Those who do understand what MS was trying to do see that their going back to the old ways is a bit of a downer.


+1. Same thing happened when Steam came out...now look at it.

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You are part of the hive mind. It's OK. You and thousands if not millions of others didn't understand the concept. Like I said, go check some gaming sites today. Those who do understand what MS was trying to do see that their going back to the old ways is a bit of a downer.


Where are you getting this hive mind argument? I don't play video games, so my view is about as unbiased as you can get. I'm just an outsider looking in and what I'm seeing looks pretty shitty to me. :dumb:



-Online circle jerk of sharing between two people. (This is the only 'Pro' I've seen you point out in the whole thread).

-List the rest of them out for me.


Cons (prior to MSFT back-peddling):

-Games are overpriced already, so be sure you get it right the first time because you're stuck with it.

-Selling them is restricted.

-Lending them is restricted.

-The used-game market would be toast (you're paying full price every time).

-24hr. nanny

-No offline play

-Have to have internet access


Every. Single. Thing on that list is a blatant money grab by MSFT.



I get your concept, I just think it's stupid. No hive mentality here. It was stupid from the moment I heard about it.

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MS was not providing sufficient value for the perceived loss, used games, friendly borrowing, intrusive check-INS etc. Worse, MS came off so arrogant it almost sounded like they were trying to fuck you over and for almost no reason. And I almost never buy used because I like game developers getting paid. Also the eco-system as a whole doesn't impress me, I have a cable-box, I don't need another. I have zero desire to yell at my TV, or make gestures at it. I have a remote that handles those functions, and with a thousand times less effort.


Meanwhile Sony sits back, and just drops the $399 microphone and walks off the stage, laughing up preorders.

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I think I can count the number of used games I have bought on my two hands. BUT, I still want that option! I scratch a disc I can buy used instead of new. I played the old starwars battlefront 2 so much I think I owned 8-10 copies easy. Not all those were used. Several were the "greatest hits" type. Hell I jumped on ps2 and played a few weeks ago. After playing it so much the disc would just need replacing.


Also I can't count the number of times I would trade games with a friend for a week then trade back. Do this countless times. Different games same games back and forth. That option would have been gone. It would be getting like windows. You trade a game and it checks your bios and say oh shit this isn't where I should be... OMG panic!! Defcon 5! I am being played on a different system!!! What happens when you go to a friends house and take YOUR game to play with a friend on his?her system? Would it have freaked out even though it is still YOU playing YOUR game?

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I think I can count the number of used games I have bought on my two hands. BUT, I still want that option! I scratch a disc I can buy used instead of new. I played the old starwars battlefront 2 so much I think I owned 8-10 copies easy. Not all those were used. Several were the "greatest hits" type. Hell I jumped on ps2 and played a few weeks ago. After playing it so much the disc would just need replacing.


Also I can't count the number of times I would trade games with a friend for a week then trade back. Do this countless times. Different games same games back and forth. That option would have been gone. It would be getting like windows. You trade a game and it checks your bios and say oh shit this isn't where I should be... OMG panic!! Defcon 5! I am being played on a different system!!! What happens when you go to a friends house and take YOUR game to play with a friend on his?her system? Would it have freaked out even though it is still YOU playing YOUR game?


Your profile roams...you can still go to a friends house and play. This is all profile based and your profile can be pulled up on any of these. This is like Steam. Cloud games had this same reaction when it was first introduced. Game prices would inevitably fall when cutting out middle men like Gamestop. Also remember that these retailers would have the option to pay to be a preferred vendor that could still sell these games used. Not that any of this matters since they decided to go back. What MSFT was doing wasn't a horrible thing here. They just really sucked at telling the story. Steam at least allows you to play any game offline without a persistent connection (again not really an issue here since MSFT retracted). I believe they are trying to advance tech to another level by radically changing the way business was done. Im not defending some of the dumb ass issues it had, keeping things the same way is not progression.

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+1. Same thing happened when Steam came out...now look at it.


Exactly. I think I mentioned that at some point in all my rants...lol. In the long run this would have provided a Steam-like experience for the more casual crowd (read: console gamers).

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Your profile roams...you can still go to a friends house and play. This is all profile based and your profile can be pulled up on any of these. This is like Steam. Cloud games had this same reaction when it was first introduced. Game prices would inevitably fall when cutting out middle men like Gamestop. Also remember that these retailers would have the option to pay to be a preferred vendor that could still sell these games used. Not that any of this matters since they decided to go back. What MSFT was doing wasn't a horrible thing here. They just really sucked at telling the story. Steam at least allows you to play any game offline without a persistent connection (again not really an issue here since MSFT retracted). I believe they are trying to advance tech to another level by radically changing the way business was done. Im not defending some of the dumb ass issues it had, keeping things the same way is not progression.


No. No no no no no no no. Just fucking no. Microsoft COULD have very easily implemented their new features without the bullshit, but they chose not to. You've got to be fucking kidding me if you think that's the "future". Cloud gaming? Sure. I'd love it, although I don't think broadband standards are where they need to be on a large-scale basis for it to work how it should, but whatever. They could have very easily allowed you to install a purchased game to your harddrive and never require an online connection at all and made cloud gaming optional, but they chose not to. They chose to step away from progression, not the consumers. The only progress thus far this generation is Sony providing better hardware at a cheaper price. You're blind as shit if you don't think Microsoft was chasing dollar signs with the DRM and the required Kinect.


I'm glad they reverted their stupidity, but again, they could have added cool shit without grabbing people by the balls. I'm still getting a PS4 despite being in Microsoft's camp during the current generation. I love Forza, I really do, but it's not worth an extra $100 on some shit that I will never use. Make the Kinect an optional addon, drop the price $100, give gamers the option of purchasing games via the cloud at a discount (since you know, it's fucking cheaper to distribute it that way and the savings should be passed on to your consumers) or a physical disc at a retailer, allow it to be played with cloud features if you're online or just play the game as-is offline with no check in requirements, keep all the apps and social media hooplah optional with no negative impact on gameplay, give me the option to play multiplayer with anyone on my family share list or w/e as if they were sitting next to me on the couch even though they don't have the game, and then they'd have some progress and that'd be a system I would buy.


I hope GT6 isn't nearly as awful as GT5.



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No. No no no no no no no. Just fucking no. Microsoft COULD have very easily implemented their new features without the bullshit, but they chose not to. You've got to be fucking kidding me if you think that's the "future". Cloud gaming? Sure. I'd love it, although I don't think broadband standards are where they need to be on a large-scale basis for it to work how it should, but whatever. They could have very easily allowed you to install a purchased game to your harddrive and never require an online connection at all and made cloud gaming optional, but they chose not to. They chose to step away from progression, not the consumers. The only progress thus far this generation is Sony providing better hardware at a cheaper price. You're blind as shit if you don't think Microsoft was chasing dollar signs with the DRM and the required Kinect.


I'm glad they reverted their stupidity, but again, they could have added cool shit without grabbing people by the balls. I'm still getting a PS4 despite being in Microsoft's camp during the current generation. I love Forza, I really do, but it's not worth an extra $100 on some shit that I will never use. Make the Kinect an optional addon, drop the price $100, give gamers the option of purchasing games via the cloud at a discount (since you know, it's fucking cheaper to distribute it that way and the savings should be passed on to your consumers) or a physical disc at a retailer, allow it to be played with cloud features if you're online or just play the game as-is offline with no check in requirements, keep all the apps and social media hooplah optional with no negative impact on gameplay, give me the option to play multiplayer with anyone on my family share list or w/e as if they were sitting next to me on the couch even though they don't have the game, and then they'd have some progress and that'd be a system I would buy.


I hope GT6 isn't nearly as awful as GT5.




Per my post...I do not condone their stupidity. Again...not even an issue since they went back. I did not say they were not being asshats. Just defended the trying of forward progression. Besides...the price difference offers benefits that PS4 does not. The voice activation and integration of all other living room appliances (YES I KNOW PS4 INTEGRATES AS WELL),but PS does not offer the same things. The fantasy sports ESPN integration is pretty damn sweet. It will flash when one of your players scores a point per fantasy team and then records that single play for playback when you are ready...it is things like this that make XB1 kind of intriguing over PS4. A lot of people are fine with standard remotes or not having the gestures etc. Thats cool too. I really like the things that XB1 offer. My wife will like them also for pure ease of use. Still getting an XB1 over PS4.

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But again, they could still try it. No DRM doesn't mean cloud features can't exist. The only people responsible for a lack of trying to progress the industry is Microsoft, which is a pretty pathetic stance to defend.
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