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Interesting article on ADHD-France v.s. US


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I think people are saying there is no legitimate reason for overuse of these drugs, like we are currently seing in this country.


This. I'm not saying that there is no such thing as ADD or ADHD, I just think a lot of kids are just misdiagnosed as having it because they are just hyper.

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So much fucking ignorance in this thread it makes me spitting fighting sick.





Looks like the french need to learn about frontal lobe ADHD.


And alot of CR.


ADHD may be over-diagnosed. Meds may be over-prescribed. Schools may be unable to handle the children.


All that may be true, but here's what else is true: ADHD is real.


I'm a parent with a 6yr old ADHD child who is off the charts on every metric. For 6 years (because he was different than other babies from day one) we tried everything: from parenting programs to psychiatrists to psychologists to coaches, to dietary plans and LCAT and allergic testing ad nauseum. We've had xrays and catscans and MRIs. Intervention specialists and Occupational Therapists. We've gone thru more than a half dozen preschools and daycares. Our son was "kicked out" of his first daycare at 3yrs old. When we began seeking professional help when he was 2years old we told caregivers and advisors we wanted to try everything possible and not meds. We were NEVER ONCE "pushed" onto meds. It was never recommended, it was never suggested, it was never alluded to. We were given strategies to try, none of which involved pharmacuticals. Parent groups, peer circles, support groups, nobody ever pushed us toward meds.


In Oct 2012 we decided to try meds, because everything else was not working, and far from getting better as he got older he was getting worse. Very hard and painful decision. One of the hardest of our lives.


More than nine months later we're still looking for one that works. Meds are not just "the easy answer" or "parenting in a pill". Finding one is that's right for your child is hard as hell and may very well be impossible. We've tried 6 so far and none have worked. But we soldier on. M<any times we've said to ourselves "fuck this, fuck these meds, fuck other parents, fuck the school system, we just want our natural boy back". But then we also know our "natural boy" - who may have been an allpha male leader of a tribe and prized warrior in past society - will not function in our world without a ruined life. We owe him to keep trying.


So while that bullshit article listed a bunch of things that are worth trying, hey guess what: some, no, MANY parents of ADHD children DO try them. They try everything possible before going the route of meds. And even that route isn't quick or fast or easy and may not turn out to be the right.


How do I know? Because I'm the fucking parent of an ADHD child, and I know a whole fuck ton more other ADHD children and parents of ADHD children than you do.


So here you go, fuck-cunts, some articles to get you started on frontal lobe ADHD:






Anyone without a true ADHD kid who'd like to come to my face and tell me how I'm not disciplining my child or that my child's condition is due solely to perception and misparenting and society, is welcome to have the discussion with me, in person, within arm's reach. I promise you one thing: you'll come away understanding what it feels like to deal with fucking retards in society. You'll feel something, I promise.




Cliff's Notes : FUCK YOU

Edited by Mowgli
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So much fucking ignorance in this thread it makes me spitting fighting sick.





Looks like the french need to learn about frontal lobe ADHD.


And alot of CR.


ADHD may be over-diagnosed. Meds may be over-prescribed. Schools may be unable to handle the children.


All that may be true, but here's what else is true: ADHD is real.


I'm a parent with a 6yr old ADHD child who is off the charts on every metric. For 6 years (because he was different than other babies from day one) we tried everything: from parenting programs to psychiatrists to psychologists to coaches, to dietary plans and LCAT and allergic testing ad nauseum. We've had xrays and catscans and MRIs. Intervention specialists and Occupational Therapists. We've gone thru more than a half dozen preschools and daycares. Our son was "kicked out" of his first daycare at 3yrs old. When we began seeking professional help when he was 2years old we told caregivers and advisors we wanted to try everything possible and not meds. We were NEVER ONCE "pushed" onto meds. It was never recommended, it was never suggested, it was never alluded to. We were given strategies to try, none of which involved pharmacuticals. Parent groups, peer circles, support groups, nobody ever pushed us toward meds.


In Oct 2012 we decided to try meds, because everything else was not working, and far from getting better as he got older he was getting worse. Very hard and painful decision. One of the hardest of our lives.


More than nine months later we're still looking for one that works. Meds are not just "the easy answer" or "parenting in a pill". Finding one is that's right for your child is hard as hell and may very well be impossible. We've tried 6 so far and none have worked. But we soldier on. M<any times we've said to ourselves "fuck this, fuck these meds, fuck other parents, fuck the school system, we just want our natural boy back". But then we also know our "natural boy" - who may have been an allpha male leader of a tribe and prized warrior in past society - will not function in our world without a ruined life. We owe him to keep trying.


So while that bullshit article listed a bunch of things that are worth trying, hey guess what: some, no, MANY parents of ADHD children DO try them. They try everything possible before going the route of meds. And even that route isn't quick or fast or easy and may not turn out to be the right.


How do I know? Because I'm the fucking parent of an ADHD child, and I know a whole fuck ton more other ADHD children and parents of ADHD children than you do.


So here you go, fuck-cunts, some articles to get you started on frontal lobe ADHD:






Anyone without a true ADHD kid who'd like to come to my face and tell me how I'm not disciplining my child or that my child's condition is due solely to perception and misparenting and society, is welcome to have the discussion with me, in person, within arm's reach. I promise you one thing: you'll come away understanding what it feels like to deal with fucking retards in society. You'll feel something, I promise.




Cliff's Notes : FUCK YOU


There's a whole lot of assumptions about...everyone you're making here. Nobody was saying this was 100% the "answer" and that 100% of ADHD/ADD cases were like this. If you seriously think there isn't a problem with the way children are raised in this country overall (again, not EVERY case) from the education system to the pharmaceuticals, to the "food" that we shove down their gullets than YOU sir are mistaken.


Nobody is saying YOU haven't raised YOUR kid right. Nobody said that YOU haven't done everything you can to give your child all of the opportunities in the world. Nobody is doubting YOUR parenting skills. Nobody is questioning whether or not YOU and YOUR family has seen tough times.


I can see this is a touchy subject with you so I hope this doesn't come across as an attack. It's not. What I'm saying is if you feel like people are generalizing and throwing EVERY one with EVERY case of ADHD/ADD in then why would your retort be to do the same and assume you know more than everyone else? Perhaps you do, I don't know. Your emotion has taken over though it seems.


Oh, and resorting to calling people out to "have a discussion within arms length" truly shows you're willing to have mature, adult conversation in order to help others understand the difficulties. That's definitely the way to win people over. Oh yeah...and you're making more assumptions about what you know vs. what others know.


Cliff Notes: Simmer man. Nobody was making this personal and if you want to educate others go about it the right way.

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So much fucking ignorance in this thread it makes me spitting fighting sick.





Looks like the french need to learn about frontal lobe ADHD.


And alot of CR.


ADHD may be over-diagnosed. Meds may be over-prescribed. Schools may be unable to handle the children.


All that may be true, but here's what else is true: ADHD is real.


I'm a parent with a 6yr old ADHD child who is off the charts on every metric. For 6 years (because he was different than other babies from day one) we tried everything: from parenting programs to psychiatrists to psychologists to coaches, to dietary plans and LCAT and allergic testing ad nauseum. We've had xrays and catscans and MRIs. Intervention specialists and Occupational Therapists. We've gone thru more than a half dozen preschools and daycares. Our son was "kicked out" of his first daycare at 3yrs old. When we began seeking professional help when he was 2years old we told caregivers and advisors we wanted to try everything possible and not meds. We were NEVER ONCE "pushed" onto meds. It was never recommended, it was never suggested, it was never alluded to. We were given strategies to try, none of which involved pharmacuticals. Parent groups, peer circles, support groups, nobody ever pushed us toward meds.


In Oct 2012 we decided to try meds, because everything else was not working, and far from getting better as he got older he was getting worse. Very hard and painful decision. One of the hardest of our lives.


More than nine months later we're still looking for one that works. Meds are not just "the easy answer" or "parenting in a pill". Finding one is that's right for your child is hard as hell and may very well be impossible. We've tried 6 so far and none have worked. But we soldier on. M<any times we've said to ourselves "fuck this, fuck these meds, fuck other parents, fuck the school system, we just want our natural boy back". But then we also know our "natural boy" - who may have been an allpha male leader of a tribe and prized warrior in past society - will not function in our world without a ruined life. We owe him to keep trying.


So while that bullshit article listed a bunch of things that are worth trying, hey guess what: some, no, MANY parents of ADHD children DO try them. They try everything possible before going the route of meds. And even that route isn't quick or fast or easy and may not turn out to be the right.


How do I know? Because I'm the fucking parent of an ADHD child, and I know a whole fuck ton more other ADHD children and parents of ADHD children than you do.


So here you go, fuck-cunts, some articles to get you started on frontal lobe ADHD:






Anyone without a true ADHD kid who'd like to come to my face and tell me how I'm not disciplining my child or that my child's condition is due solely to perception and misparenting and society, is welcome to have the discussion with me, in person, within arm's reach. I promise you one thing: you'll come away understanding what it feels like to deal with fucking retards in society. You'll feel something, I promise.




Cliff's Notes : FUCK YOU


Well ok then...

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I am not saying meds are totally unnecessary, just that they are overused in our society as a band aide, this being one prime example. I totally agree meds have their time and place. Sounds like Mowgli could have used some last night.

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