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Business Online Payment Options


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Anybody have experience setting up online payment options for a small business? I am trying to get a handle on how to setup my payment options without making it to complex. I really don’t have a desire to have a full blown payment deal that I have to maintain. I was looking more towards what options PayPal offers (they handle the data, people can pay how they want, ect).


For the website I was actually thinking of going the Wordpress route to keep it simple and easy to update for myself.


Option B was setting up an Etsy storefront and when people want to order sending them to that. Same concept, just different execution.


What experiences have some of you had with e-commerce related things of this nature?

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There are lots of ecommerce options with wordpress but I usually use wp-ecommerce: http://getshopped.org/


It integrates with paypal and is a pretty "clean" and easy to use system.




If you know your way around basic code you can get a template from http://www.themeforest.net


I used to hard code, I now only use these templates. I used the "Builder" theme to make my site: http://www.kiosksolutions.biz (Though I don't use e-commerce).

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I know from a consumer standpoint I don't care as much who it goes through, as long as they are or are perceived as being reputable and (relatively) secure.


I want it to be easy. Which means not to have to sign up for your site since I'm probably buying something there once and don't want your spam. I don't want to get kicked over to pay-pal or some other site. And even if I don't sign up for your site you still need to send me shipping updates as well as somehow allow me to check order status on your site.

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At work we do big sales so we always use the big guys (authorize.net, etc).


For smaller stuff I would use https://stripe.com/, https://www.braintreepayments.com/ both offer JS APIs so you don't have to handle PCI stuff yourself.




Tutorial for Stripe.

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