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Elected Officials LOL


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Yeah, great idea to arm a group of people that consist of Al Qaeda members :dumb:


This kind of pisses me off. So we are giving supplies to people who have killed our military people because of a promise our incompetent president made?







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What's fucked up is that both sides have used chemical warfare. It's just that the side we're helping is the lesser of two evils. But who's to say? I haven't been there to suss it out, exactly. Besides, it's not like history isn't repeating itself for the "umpteenth" time... :rolleyes:


As a preface to what half this thread will turn into: Please don't turn this into a lable thing, ie; democrat, republican, left, right, etc, etc. Our country has been known for this shit throughout our history, regardless of who was in charge.


That being said, I'll stop being grumpy and carry on...

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This is damage control for the NSA snooping thing. Create a controversy to shift people's attention.


Either that, or Obama really is retarded enough to not turn a fucking history book back to study up on Cold War era Iraq and Afghanistan.



probably both


Correct answer, bonus points would have been awarded if this was in the form of a question.

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June, 2023...


Americans are shocked when they learn that the latest Muslim terror attacks used American-made weapons sent to the Middle East 10 years prior.


I previously told myself that there must be really smart people in charge, and that I just must not "get it".


I no longer hold that belief.


PS. Let's instead send the weapons to our border agents, who, I can only assume WILL NOT use them against us during the next decade.

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June, 2023...


Americans are shocked when they learn that the latest Muslim terror attacks used American-made weapons sent to the Middle East 10 years prior.


I previously told myself that there must be really smart people in charge, and that I just must not "get it".


I no longer hold that belief.


PS. Let's instead send the weapons to our border agents, who, I can only assume WILL NOT use them against us during the next decade.


March 2024, "We're going to war with Syria! They have WMDs! We have the receipt to prove it!"

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I doubt the President even has all the facts with all the hands in the cookie jar. At this point the government is a very large, poorly ran business. Lucky for them that the investors get arrested if they stop funding this nonsense.


Brb, giving guns and shit to the prisoners being picked on by the inmates we like less. There is no way they will shoot a guard... they promised.

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I doubt the President even has all the facts with all the hands in the cookie jar. At this point the government is a very large, poorly ran business. Lucky for them that the investors get arrested if they stop funding this nonsense.


Brb, giving guns and shit to the prisoners being picked on by the inmates we like less. There is no way they will shoot a guard... they promised.


This right here. Corporate politics at its finest. Ive personally given up hope for any kind of decent future.

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This is damage control for the NSA snooping thing. Create a controversy to shift people's attention.


Either that, or Obama really is retarded enough to not turn a fucking history book back to study up on Cold War era Iraq and Afghanistan.



probably both


This has been building up for quite some time now, the timing may be to their benefit but it's not why they are doing it. Of course the real reasoning is being guarded. Keep in mind, the Syrian government is being supported by Hamas (our enemy) and the rebels are being supported by Al Qaeda (our enemy) so we don't really want either side to win. So the possibilities that I see are:


We are prolonging this in order to have as many casualties as possible on both sides


We are fine with Islamists taking over another country through revolution, following in the footsteps of Egypt and Libya, probably bringing in Sharia law with them


We want to fight everyone we can because MURRICA FUCK YEAH (That's why John McCain is all for it at least)


We want the civil war to end as soon as possible and don't care who wins


We actually care about civilians being gassed and believe its being done strictly by Assad


Our buddies in Israel hate Hamas so much that they would rather their neighbors be run by the other bad guys.


Of course, none of these possibilities include "it's none of our fucking business and they don't matter to us anyway" because that isn't an option for us.



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March 2024, "We're going to war with Syria! They have WMDs! We have the receipt to prove it!"


lol And then still probably sue us (and win) for a faulty one that didn't work or blew up on them. They have a receipt, too. ;)

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