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Wow, Paula Deen


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"Well, what I would really like is a bunch of little ^^^^^^s to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around," - Paula Deen


Cue "That's Racist" .gif in 3...2...1...

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This is America, it's her right. She's from the south, par for the course. Segregation still exists today in the south. Not news, and doesn't surprise me. She's really not relevant anyway......


Quit crying "Whitey", life isn't fair, I tell my kids this daily. :)

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It's good to know you, like me have never used the n-word or said anything remotely racist let alone not pc. For a while I thought I was the only one left! (tic)


Surprise, here's a republican defending his own history of racism to a black man who was offended by someone using the "N-WORD".


How's this for non-pc?



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Surprise, here's a republican defending his own history of racism to a black man who was offended by someone using the "N-WORD".


How's this for non-pc?




U miss point.


Everybody say racist things. Take the stick out of your own eye before you criticize another.


That point.


PS Don't take things so personal, you get high blood pressure. (wink)

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U miss point.


Everybody say racist things. Take the stick out of your own eye before you criticize another.


That point.


PS Don't take things so personal, you get high blood pressure. (wink)


I've seen plenty of you posts where you criticize a lot of people. Kinda makes you a hypocrite?


Were you trying to quote Matthew 7:3?

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Segregation still exists today in the south.


Columbus is pretty segregated as well. That's a concept that was only ended in the legal sense, never the practical. It's not rigid, for sure, but its very easy to identify white areas and black areas and Muslim areas and Jewish areas and gay areas and young adult areas and rich areas and poor areas around the city. True desegregation would have none of that, but everyone would be blended together.


Humans by nature want to be around people they identify with most strongly, regardless of what that particular identity might be. Race, income, sexual orientation, religion, etc, are some of the driving forces behind that. Outside of America there is little tolerance for people of different cultures. Look at France - bastion of liberalism, yet they are passing law after law attacking Muslims. America is the only country in the world that tries to be tolerant of everyone, regardless of who they are, yet people do a very good job of separating themselves from each other without being forced to do so. There doesn't have to be hate behind it, it's just what happens.

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I'd also like to comment on how back during the time period Paula Deen was referencing, blacks were used for entertainment. I'd like to challenge anyone to show me how that's changed in the way the public generally perceives that group of people. I'm not saying she should have said what she said, or said it how she said it, but what she said is certainly historically accurate. Had she said "Well, what I would really like is a bunch of little rappers to wear long white shirts, black pants and big gold chains, you know like Lil Wayne, they used to dance around" would that be more or less racist?
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Columbus is pretty segregated as well. That's a concept that was only ended in the legal sense, never the practical. It's not rigid, for sure, but its very easy to identify white areas and black areas and Muslim areas and Jewish areas and gay areas and young adult areas and rich areas and poor areas around the city. True desegregation would have none of that, but everyone would be blended together.



That's not segregation. There's no laws that say "you must live in this neighborhood because of your race/ethnicity/religion/wealth/etc." There are no separate bathrooms, parking spaces, apartment buildings, etc. People may still have their prejudices, but people choosing to live where they do, around who they do is not segregation. That is as you said, people being comfortable around others who they relate with. People have the choices now to decide where they want to live and what they want to do. If they want to stay in a certain neighborhood, it's not because of segregation.

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That's not segregation. There's no laws that say "you must live in this neighborhood because of your race/ethnicity/religion/wealth/etc." There are no separate bathrooms, parking spaces, apartment buildings, etc. People may still have their prejudices, but people choosing to live where they do, around who they do is not segregation. That is as you said, people being comfortable around others who they relate with. People have the choices now to decide where they want to live and what they want to do. If they want to stay in a certain neighborhood, it's not because of segregation.


It doesn't have to be forced by law to still be segregation.



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says right in your posted definition. "often with force". segregation is an active action. to "set apart" from the "main body". people congregating together is not an active separation from the main populace. Segregation would be like the radical people building compounds to segregate (separate) themselves from the main populace. neighborhoods are not separated from the main populace, but are part of the entire entity.
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This is why I've always had a problem with people describing America as a "melting pot" what a horrible place this would be to live if everywhere you went everything was the same. I like to look at America more as a table set with a large Thanksgiving feast, you've got turkey, potatoes, cranberries, stuffing, pumpkin pie and all sorts of other stuff available to you. If you don't like something don't eat it but its there in case someone else wants it. If this were truly a melting pot you would throw all of the food on that table in a big blender so everyone could share the same horrible tasting paste as everyone else.

Besides this is America and if we don't have something to bitch about we'll find something to bitch about. Lol

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says right in your posted definition. "often with force". segregation is an active action. to "set apart" from the "main body". people congregating together is not an active separation from the main populace. Segregation would be like the radical people building compounds to segregate (separate) themselves from the main populace. neighborhoods are not separated from the main populace, but are part of the entire entity.


Kind of like an all White or Black prom for children?

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says right in your posted definition. "often with force". segregation is an active action. to "set apart" from the "main body". people congregating together is not an active separation from the main populace. Segregation would be like the radical people building compounds to segregate (separate) themselves from the main populace. neighborhoods are not separated from the main populace, but are part of the entire entity.


"Often" by force

But not always

And congrats on only reading one of the listed definitions

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