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RIP Jane Wicker and Pilot, Dayton Air show.


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Dumb is dumb regardless of whether other people "allow" it or not.


At least 'the dumb' was contained to only those involved. (I don't count crowd psychological issues since you show up knowing an accident is a possibility.)


Personally, I look at it not as dying doing something dumb, but dying doing something they loved to do. If something being "dumb" is the only reason you don't do something, then perhaps you should sit in the shower, too. Wouldn't want you taking an unnecessary risk. ;)


(Actually, I would sit in the shower if I had a chair. Hmm. Cheap plastic Walmart chair...)

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She I would have unhooked myself if i was her, probably still would have died but you never know. People have fallen and lived from farther. But again not like she had much time.


Unhooked yourself in the time between the stall and impact with the earth? You would have had about a half a second, oh and FYI she didnt use a safety harness so the only unhooking you could do would be to unhook your legs from around the edge of the plane.

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yeah unhooked so you could slam into the ground at >100mph all by your lonesome. That've helped...


As an ex pilot always hate to see this. Not something you can understand unless you've been behind the stick.


Was this -><- close to taking the 6yr old to the airshow too.

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none really. she likely just had an oh shit moment and it was over.


In the video you can see her flail her arms a bit then it's over, If something was mechanically wrong I bet she knew it right away by sound anyway, since she has done this so many times.

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At least 'the dumb' was contained to only those involved. (I don't count crowd psychological issues since you show up knowing an accident is a possibility.)


Personally, I look at it not as dying doing something dumb, but dying doing something they loved to do. If something being "dumb" is the only reason you don't do something, then perhaps you should sit in the shower, too. Wouldn't want you taking an unnecessary risk. ;)


(Actually, I would sit in the shower if I had a chair. Hmm. Cheap plastic Walmart chair...)


Exactly, she died doing something she loved to do and was in no position to harm anyone else.

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Not saying that it cant happen but the FAA goes through great lengths to assure that if anything does go wrong the planes don't come in to the crowd.


that's not something really in control when flying...they do the best they can, but shit happens and at those speeds and in the air you can end up hundreds of feet off the performance area and into the crowd. It's happened quite a bit in the past. Part of going to the air show and watching dangerous stuff, just like going to the races. Now with racing yo have vehicles on a designated course with all kinds of barriers/fences/etc. to help keep the vehicles inside, but that doesn't always work either.

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