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Cop freaks out

Green Bastard

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One of the responses from the forum I saw the video posted on:


Apparently in this small town they have a MAJOR problem with their police officers. Harassment and personal vendettas. There are thousands of organizations around the country that organize to follow and record all LEO activity. If they aren't doing anything wrong they have nothing to worry about. The way they see it as tax payers we are their boss and what boss doesn't watch his employes to make sure they are doing the right thing. It is not illegal to follow or record LEO's in public spaces.


In this case if you read the story this man had a prior bad experience with this same LEO. He drove by this traffic stop(crime scene) on his way to the store and drove by again on his way home. On the second time passing the officer walked out into the middle of the street and yelled at him to "get the fuck home', as in, if not your next. So he circled around the block and parked. The camera was because of the prior problems with this officer. The driver is also an 8 year veteran recently back.


My personal opinion is all LEO's should be filmed by the public at all times. Keep them a little more honest.


If this is true, it sounds like the officer has some issues he needs to deal with IMO. However that does not make that guy any less of an asshat for provoking the officer, he should have talked to that officer's superior officer the first time if he thought there was a real issue there rather than trolling the guy.

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First, kirks5oh was completely on point.


Second, yeah the cop should have thicker skin. If shit can't roll off your back in this job, you shouldn't be in it.


Third, fuck people like that motherfucker. You come do this fucking job and tell me how you would react when some douschebag trolls you and follows you around to everything you do, creating unnecessary problems just because he went thru his first semester in law school and feels like he can trump all the cops.


These cops they get on video need to be better at verbal judo/know the limits/job better. Yes, once the cop approached you in a traffic stop/suspicious vehicle stop, you are considered detained. No, you're not handcuffed, it's not part of the detention, but at that point the officer is conducting an official investigation and you aren't free to leave. U.S. Supreme court has established that. Cop needed to know the workings of his position better. Douschebags like this guy are incredibly annoying.

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Cops a douche and guy on camera is responding like a douche.


Obviously there is more to the story. How often do you know cops by name even in a small town unless there is history?


Based on the footage cop is completely out of line and needs some retraining.


Say this cop fly's off the handle because of someone well within their rights, won't comply with the officer's illegal request? No other cop is there to hold him back and he kills a person.





It's all fun and games until it's you or someone in your family that's killed by his lack of control...




..on a side not, I guess they don't have weight standards in that unit... :lolguy:

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Sorry, if you can't handle the stress of dealing with the public, and dealing with dirt-bag criminals, and understanding the difference between the public and the dirt bags, even assholes, you have no business being a police officer, and you need to be released from your position before you blow a gasket and shoot someone. Being recorded should be an expectation, he's a public employee, paid by tax-dollars.


Window washers aren't arms of the government, out about in public, enforcing the law of the state/county/city, and potentially violating the rights of their customers. Scrutiny of those who wield power is a good thing.

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My opinion is the fag in the truck is a pussy with a grudge of some sort and not man enough to confront it/said cop like a man so he follows him harassing him. Cop should have just arrested him, put him into the system, had his partner take him downtown, etc. and let the judge/prosecutor work out the rest. If it didn't stick, fuck it, not a big deal. IMO he could have booked him on Obstruction / Harassment and again, let the courts work it out.
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My opinion is the fag in the truck is a pussy with a grudge of some sort and not man enough to confront it/said cop like a man so he follows him harassing him. Cop should have just arrested him, put him into the system, had his partner take him downtown, etc. and let the judge/prosecutor work out the rest. If it didn't stick, fuck it, not a big deal. IMO he could have booked him on Obstruction / Harassment and again, let the courts work it out.



"Apparently in this small town they have a MAJOR problem with their police officers. Harassment and personal vendettas."


Your right though that man in the truck has no right to make sure his tax dollars are being put to good use. Thats just madness!

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"Apparently in this small town they have a MAJOR problem with their police officers. Harassment and personal vendettas."


Your right though that man in the truck has no right to make sure his tax dollars are being put to good use. Thats just madness!



^^ not in this manner. . He needs grow up and approach things in a mature and intelligent manner. Otherwise he's jus being an ass-hat. He and all the other YouTube ass-hats aren't doing their respective causes any favors by acting like this. It just amplifies their lack of intelligence.

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^^ not in this manner. . He needs grow up and approach things in a mature and intelligent manner. Otherwise he's jus being an ass-hat. He and all the other YouTube ass-hats aren't doing their respective causes any favors by acting like this. It just amplifies their lack of intelligence.


Much like how the police officer did?

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Much like how the police officer did?


So your saying be the ass-hat just like the other guy is the way to get things done? I don't subscribed to lowering myself to the level of others as a means to effectively obtaining results.


You know when I was young and dumb I'd punch a guy for swinging on me thinking that's the best way to get back at him. Now I'd call the cops, have him arrested and let the legal system push my foot up his ass.


In this video the dude gets a zero for effectiveness in fighting for a cause.

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So your saying be the ass-hat just like the other guy is the way to get things done? I don't subscribed to lowering myself to the level of others as a means to effectively obtaining results.


You know when I was young and dumb I'd punch a guy for swinging on me thinking that's the best way to get back at him. Now I'd call the cops, have him arrested and let the legal system push my foot up his ass.


In this video the dude gets a zero for effectiveness in fighting for a cause.


Im saying you still don't know how bad this police situation is and what the guy in the truck has done prior to making this video. I do agree he is an ass-hat this has been established.


A huge problem I have is a police officer not being able to keep his cool. You should never loose your cool like that when carrying a side arm. public, private doesn't matter.

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Im saying you still don't know how bad this police situation is and what the guy in the truck has done prior to making this video. I do agree he is an ass-hat this has been established.


I follow you, but my point is regardless of their existing situation and how bad it is, the means the dude in the video is pulling is never in scope of even remotely being considered a good or effective solution for anyone over the age of 12 or an IQ over 80.


A huge problem I have is a police officer not being able to keep his cool. You should never loose your cool like that when carrying a side arm. public, private doesn't matter.



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