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World War Z


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Exactly what Brian said. I saw the movie with the wife. Had awesome CGI but I felt the movie was tossed together to get it rushed out to theaters. The movie flowed pretty good in the first half then the second half felt like they had to rush it in a day so the shots were retarded. Def a let down from the second half of the movie til the end .


First half of movie: blockbuster hit

Second half: sci fi channel

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I liked it and I did read the book before. As many real critics have said don't go expecting it to be anything like the book (book was fantastic). There are subtle references to the book in the movie though if you pay attention. Go in just looking for an entertaining but not plot filled 2 hours and you'll be happy.


The movie itself is a good summer popcorn movie. Like those above said, quick pace and hurried ending. You can definitely tell there was a reshoot to the ending. The pace goes from lightening quick to a whole different pace (although admittedly not a bad thing in this case). Several great set pieces in the movie and visually was great. Very little gore even for a PG-13 movie. There is more blood in Walking Dead than this movie. Several good jump scares but overall not the least bit creepy or scary to me. I had a family sitting next to me with several kids under 6 and none of them jumped once. It could've been the amazing seating though. lol


I saw it at the Dublin theater on Sawmill and it was in one of the newly remodeled theaters. The seats in those things are dreamy. SOOOO comfy!


Definitely not a bad movie. I'd give it a B. I'd love to see the ending they scrapped though. Some huge battle in Russia supposedly. I'm sure it'll be on the blu-ray.


P.S.... Did anyone else think raptors from Jurrassic Park when they showed Zed close ups? Between the noise they made and their weird biting motion I admittedly laughed out loud a couple times. But good nonetheless.



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I thought it was terrible with cartoonish effects and no real depth to anything, characters or otherwise. It feels like one of those video games you used to buy that had nothing to do with the movie/character/whatever was on the box. I don't understand why they were called 'zombies' at all.


I hated this v̶i̶d̶e̶o̶ ̶g̶a̶m̶e̶ movie.

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I saw this and it made me lol.



I'm not a big reader so IDGAS, but it cracks me up when people complain about hollywood not keeping to the book. They NEVER DO!

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I saw this and it made me lol.



I'm not a big reader so IDGAS, but it cracks me up when people complain about hollywood not keeping to the book. They NEVER DO!


They have to dumb it down and make it something the average person in 'merica can sit for over 2 hours and watch.


Same thing happens to any Michael Crichton book that gets turned into a movie.

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I saw this and it made me lol.



I'm not a big reader so IDGAS, but it cracks me up when people complain about hollywood not keeping to the book. They NEVER DO!



Ok this made me laugh! lol... There were a couple subtle references to the book including the guy he talks to in Israel (not spoiling anything here) was a character in the book who talked about being in intelligence and 10 analysts and one of the 10 always having to disagree. The report was the same name too. That was the most obvious one I caught. But as others have pointed out it has nothing to do with the book. All in all I'd agree with others... weak 3 stars but worth a watch. For a zombie movie it's not bad at all.




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I don't know what her purpose was other than to show he had a wife. She basically spent the whole movie with a worried furrowed brow look on her face. They could've paid a zillion other actresses that were better/hotter to do the same thing and probably for less.



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Not sure why everyone is so stuck on the attractiveness (or lack thereof) of his wife. Hot/ugly had nothing to do with the character.


True I'll give you that but IMO it wasn't much of a character really. Then again it was an action movie so character development wasn't exactly at the forefront. Still not a bad movie.


I wonder if when it's done in theaters if it'll recoup the money they put into it.

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