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Never going to Brazil.. ever. NWS on video link, not the thread itself.


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All this over soccer? Good lord. What have people become?



Your son is playing at the highest level in a sport he loves at his home stadium. One of his teammates gets penalized for an unfair action. He argues with the ref about it, your son, stepping between them to pull his teammate away, is suddenly and brutally murdered, right in front of you and most of his family, who happen to be in the stands.


Do I think that you would storm the field, decapitate the murderer and then quarter him? Not for me to say. I'm fairly certain the thought would cross your mind, however.




SRSLY, none of this is justifiable, but I have no sympathy for the referee.

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Your son is playing at the highest level in a sport he loves at his home stadium. One of his teammates gets penalized for an unfair action. He argues with the ref about it, your son, stepping between them to pull his teammate away, is suddenly and brutally murdered, right in front of you and most of his family, who happen to be in the stands.


Do I think that you would storm the field, decapitate the murderer and then quarter him? Not for me to say. I'm fairly certain the thought would cross your mind, however.




SRSLY, none of this is justifiable, but I have no sympathy for the referee.


Well I dislike children so I will never have one, but I can undoubtedly say that I would not go to the extent that it was taken as it would put you right up there with the ref, crazy as freaking hell. People like them just need to be put down, teach everyone a lesson that you commit any kind of crime such as that and you will be put down like a dog that they keep acting like. Crazy to think that just because their child was murdered how ever bad it may be, deserves to have that done. Peoples children die everyday, shit happens. I feel sorry for all of you.

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