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WWCRD Phones


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I know there are a couple other threads on phones, but I have a specific issue..



To make a long story short, I bought a HTC one almost 2 months ago. I loved the phone, speakers sounded great and the HD youtube videos were awesome.


I somehow blew the speakers in 3 weeks without even loading my music yet. They gave me a "Like new refurb" unit. I was really upset but they said that was my only option.


The like new refurb unit had vibrate issues the next day, I called att and they said to take it back to the service store and get it replaced again.. With another Refurb unit. Well on july 4th at the parade my phone fell off my sons stroller literally less than 8" from the ground and the screen shattered.


ATT will now not do anything for me. They said I void any manufactures warranty.


I called higher up people at ATT, and HTC head quarters and no one will do anything, hell ATT doesnt even have the ability to repair the screen on it..


So my only option is to buy a phone outright at 600$ or use my wifes upgrade and buy another phone for 200$


I priced out leaving ATT and going to verizon, as my wife needs a new phone also but its just going to cost too much money.



So since Im going to get a new phone, do I A) buy a new HTC one because I liked it so much Or B) get a S4 because I had so many issues with the HTC.

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what ever you do buy the dang insurance...


You ever call your credit card company and see if they offer any protection services for things you buy?



They said no.


I have had iPhones since they came out, and never had an issue with them.


I had insurance when I had nextel and they always screwed me out of my insurance coverage. That's why I don't like phone insurance. Seems like a crock.



Even if I had insurance att has no way of fixing this phone except sending it to HTC and they want 200$ and 10 business days.

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Craigslist. Buy a different cheaper phone. You dropped it, not HTC's or ATT's fault.


I understand it's my fault for a cracked screen. But should that void me of all manufacturers warranty? I don't think it should. I told them to leave the cracked screen and fix the vibrate issue since it was an issue before the screen. They said no. I said ok, I'll pay att to fix the phone, they said they can't. They even told me to go to a 3rd party to get it fixed.


I dont want to buy a phone off craigslist that who knows what happened to it, I'm buying one from att so I can take it back when it messes up again.

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Buy through Best Buy. Insurance through BB is $10/month. as long you don't tell them you submerged in water, they dont care. I went through probably 8 HTC EVOs and the same for my HTC EVO 3D. I've been nothing but pleased with their service so far.


Beat me to it lol. Hell the lady told me water damage was covered to

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Thank you for the best buy suggestion. I went there first to talk to them. They answered all of my questions and I got the insurance through them.


I ended up getting the s4. Figured why not try it out for 14 days. They dont even charge a restocking fee.

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