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Man down!!!!!!


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ok i just got home. i was the one that found jerm on the side of the road. me and the new guy nate came around the turn/hill sorta thing and i saw a man pushing his hand up and down telling me to slow down. i figured there was probably a cop up ahead so i hit the brakes. when i looked back at the road i saw jerms bike on its side and him on the berm of the road. we immediately shut off the bikes and ran to him. he had slid about 100 ft before he stopped.

i got him to lay down taking pressure of his leg. at first he thought his leg was broken. so i called 911 and stayed on the phone until the sherriff came. by that time tj had turned around (he was leading) and was with us. after about 5-10 min the ambulance showed up and they had to cut jerms boot off. they took him away and me and nate stayed with his bike until tj came back with the truck to tow it home.

we rode over to mercy fairfield where he is at now. he is pretty doped up at this point :)

for all those that know jerm, you know hes a good rider. do not think something like this cannot happen to you! we need to be safe out there guys. ive seen 7 wrecks in less than a year. ive been debating on whether to go track only and this was it for me.

keep jerm in your prayers guys!

edit: jerm got into a tank slapper

Edited by mrmako777
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mrmako - Glad you guys were there, I'm sure Jeremy will appreciate all of your efforts, especially knowing that his bike is taken care of, and not headed for some impound somewhere.

yeah dude we take care of our own. even the new guy nate stayed the whole time, and he doesnt even know jerm. 2 thumbs up for nate!

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Damn...I hope he heals up soon. Tank slappers are no joke. My 06 Ninja had the stock damper on it, but little did I know the bolts holding it on were loose. I was doing...well..not the posted speed limit on the highway and a van in front of me brake checked me (bastard). I wasn't riding their ass or anything..they just saw me coming up from behind (and a whole group of bikes) and decided to be asshole. I grabbed a lotta brake and as I was braking I hit a huge pothole. TANK SLAP! It's the scariest shit to happen to you before you dump it because you have no control of the bike and are just basically waiting to fall. I was able to push forward on the handlebars (don't know how I thought of that) to stabilize the bike and proceeded to the nearest shower to wash the crap out of my jeans.

It took a while to get confident on two wheels again..I hope Jeremy gets back on two as soon as he's able to.

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Get better Jerm...

I've read that if you get a tank slapper, fighting it with your arms is worse. They say to kinda let off the bars to let them settle themselves... hard to do in the heat of the battle...

That tank slap pothole shit actually happened to me getting onto 71N from Edwards. Huge crater. I stood up on my pegs and it stopped slappin'...

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