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genuinely curious


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After watching a news report about police in columbus using a taser on the wrong man (after he repeated told them his name was not what they thought it was), it made me wonder why using a taser "to gain compliance" (my new least favorite word) is acceptable as it pertains to american citizens, but not on suspected terrorists who do not comply with interrogations?

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Police don't use tasers in interrogations. apples and oranges...

that was my point, if it's ok to use them to get american citizens to comply with "lie on the ground!" why is it illegal to use it for "where is osama" on a fuckin terrorist?

for some reason the word "compliance" makes me shiver, like the word you use in place of "beating someone who's not listening to you."

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you can't just call them d-bags because they didn't fall victim to your female tactics :lol:

lol, no i call them d-bags because the one kept accusing me of having drugs in my car, and the other one kept accusing me of lying about having my seatbelt on, and then one that i knew, was just a total tool... yeah... buuuut, like i was saying, some are cool!!!

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