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I went down yesterday too.... :( - with some pictures of damage to me/bike


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glad you're ok man.... gotta watch out for those crazy assed cagers.....they do shit without paying a bit of attention.... and you guys think I'm nuts for having an air horn on my bike.... I'm gonna get their attention one way or another...

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what the hell was it with traffic the other day .. I didnt go down but it was close, some ass thought it was cool to use my lane while I was making a hard right turn through some s curves comin head on left me about a foot of the far right and some gravel .. I thought I was eatin some rednecks 79 ford pick up grill...

luckily you arent banged up too bad.. get to feelin better..

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thanks guys

I'm healin' up .... knee is completely scabbed over now .... only thing that bothers me is the continued pain in my wrist but I think I just sprained it real good...

new helmet? eh, I was hoping to avoid that honestly based on the very light paint scrape that it has, but I could buy another if I had to .... as soon as I save up extra cash I guess

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How to tell if a wrist is sprained or broken:

Your wrist is probably fractured rather than sprained if you have:

  • persistent pain
  • swelling near the wrist
  • changes in finger movement
  • numbness
  • It's painful for you to bear weight on the injury, touch it, press on it, or move it.

It can be hard to tell the difference between a wrist that is sprained and one that is broken. If you have fallen on an outstretched hand and your wrist hurts, be sure to see a doctor to find out if you have any broken bones. Scaphoid fractures that are not treated properly can lead to long-term problems.

edit: I've had to give in and get x-rays twice in the last two years, for bad sprains or swelling. Found nothing broken, but it was worth it so I could forget about that.

Edited by ReconRat
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it functions pretty much fine until I try to turn my palm all the way facing myself .... like today I was trying to get my change from a cashier and I couldn't get my left hand level enough to accept coins without dropping my shoulder very awkwardly, lol

trying to avoid a doctor's visit, still paying for my last one - I had to get my left knee checked out and an MRI done after a soccer injury late last summer

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