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Help Me Pick a Handgun


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You did not mention what you would be using this gun for the most part. Target,Home defense, ccw carry , all the above ? Glock 19 is my favorite still in 9mm when you are talking about double action only or in glocks case (safe action) style guns and I have medium to small hands. I just sold my Ruger SR9c, I just never liked how it felt in my hand. The Glock 19 feels like it was made to fit me even though I shoot my 1911 trp much better when you talking accuracy but they are two entirely different style guns.
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Depending on what you want the gun for, there are many good choices. I like to carry a smith & Wesson bodyguard .380 in the summer. Winter time, I carry a glock 26 (9mm) or a glock 23 (40 cal). If I'm going shooting for fun, there are other choices I like better.


Best idea I've heard so far is to go to a range and rent several to see what you like best! Good luck to you and your search.

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  BrianZ06 said:
You did not mention what you would be using this gun for the most part. Target,Home defense, ccw carry , all the above ? Glock 19 is my favorite still in 9mm when you are talking about double action only or in glocks case (safe action) style guns and I have medium to small hands. I just sold my Ruger SR9c, I just never liked how it felt in my hand. The Glock 19 feels like it was made to fit me even though I shoot my 1911 trp much better when you talking accuracy but they are two entirely different style guns.


For the most part the gun will be for range use, but with the intent of getting comfortable and accurate with it. As my only handgun I suppose I would consider it a home defense gun too, though my 870 does that pretty well too. I don't see myself carrying anything in the immediate future.


Whatever glock I shot (need to find out for sure which it actually was lol) I did not like the feel of. I was relatively accurate with it, I just wasn't a huge fan. Perhaps with more time I would be, because I know glocks have many fans.


  downingracing said:
Depending on what you want the gun for, there are many good choices. I like to carry a smith & Wesson bodyguard .380 in the summer. Winter time, I carry a glock 26 (9mm) or a glock 23 (40 cal). If I'm going shooting for fun, there are other choices I like better.


Best idea I've heard so far is to go to a range and rent several to see what you like best! Good luck to you and your search.


I will definitely plan a trip to the range, and maybe take up somebody on their offer to meet me there. My next few weekends are putting me out of town, so I'm unfortunately stuck with weekdays only free until the end of the month.


  Diamonds said:
as my narrowed down choices for you go... here they are:


USP 9mm full size used - 800.00


CZ P07D 9mm New - 450.00


FN 9mm new - 575.00


This is a pretty good list, along with a few others I need to see in person. The USP is a little more than I'd like to spend, but I am digging the CZ and FN both from reading alone. I see the CZ is made in the Czech Republic, but I'm having a hard time determining if the FN is made in the US or Belgium...


I'm generally a made in usa kind of guy but I realize with firearms that may be a little silly.

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  spankis said:
For the most part the gun will be for range use, but with the intent of getting comfortable and accurate with it. As my only handgun I suppose I would consider it a home defense gun too, though my 870 does that pretty well too. I don't see myself carrying anything in the immediate future.


I'm generally a made in usa kind of guy but I realize with firearms that may be a little silly.


Sounds like you need a S&W M&P .45 in whatever size is comfortable to you.

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  spankis said:
For the most part the gun will be for range use, but with the intent of getting comfortable and accurate with it. As my only handgun I suppose I would consider it a home defense gun too, though my 870 does that pretty well too. I don't see myself carrying anything in the immediate future.


Whatever glock I shot (need to find out for sure which it actually was lol) I did not like the feel of. I was relatively accurate with it, I just wasn't a huge fan. Perhaps with more time I would be, because I know glocks have many fans.




I will definitely plan a trip to the range, and maybe take up somebody on their offer to meet me there. My next few weekends are putting me out of town, so I'm unfortunately stuck with weekdays only free until the end of the month.




This is a pretty good list, along with a few others I need to see in person. The USP is a little more than I'd like to spend, but I am digging the CZ and FN both from reading alone. I see the CZ is made in the Czech Republic, but I'm having a hard time determining if the FN is made in the US or Belgium...


I'm generally a made in usa kind of guy but I realize with firearms that may be a little silly.


If you are just getting into it I would highly recommend the CZ. I have that, the HK45C Tactical (supposedly the modernized version of the USP), and the FNX-45. Love all three, but for the price I am most satisfied with the CZ. Satisfied enough that if you would like to take it to the range to give it a go I would be happy to help, just shoot me a PM, no pun intended.


PS According to the side of the guns, my FN is made in the USA and the CZ is made in the Czech Republic

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Another option is a IWI Baby Eagle. I LOVE mine and it was my first 9mm. Mine is the older style so its a little heavy, but has never jammed. Not once. They are priced well, around $550ish.


If you like Glocks, the G34 is a nice choice with the longer barrel. A M&P 9L would work good as well (I like the M&P trigger better than the glocks myself). Seeing as you are not thinking about carring, the longer barrel cant hurt the accuracy.

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  spankis said:
For the most part the gun will be for range use, but with the intent of getting comfortable and accurate with it. As my only handgun I suppose I would consider it a home defense gun too, though my 870 does that pretty well too. I don't see myself carrying anything in the immediate future.


Get a full frame then, not a compact.


Whatever glock I shot (need to find out for sure which it actually was lol) I did not like the feel of. I was relatively accurate with it, I just wasn't a huge fan. Perhaps with more time I would be, because I know glocks have many fans.


Don't drink the kool aid. Michigan has many fans too. That doesn't mean you should root for them. :lol:


I am the same way. Glocks are great pistols. Very reliable and versatile. In the end though I hate the way they feel.


I will definitely plan a trip to the range, and maybe take up somebody on their offer to meet me there. My next few weekends are putting me out of town, so I'm unfortunately stuck with weekdays only free until the end of the month.


I make my own schedule. No pressure, but feel free to PM me to set up a trip.


This is a pretty good list, along with a few others I need to see in person. The USP is a little more than I'd like to spend, but I am digging the CZ and FN both from reading alone. I see the CZ is made in the Czech Republic, but I'm having a hard time determining if the FN is made in the US or Belgium...


I'm generally a made in usa kind of guy but I realize with firearms that may be a little silly.



Corp Structure


Don't worry too much about WHERE the pistol is made anyway. Be worried about HOW it's made. :)

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Also, if you had the money. it is said that the HK P7 (800-900 bucks) is one of the best firearms in the history of pistols. I have only held one, I cannot speak as to how they fire. But, the unique grip squeeze-cocker is VERY Cool and seems very functional.



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Here is one for you to think about. CZ 75 D PCR Compact 9mm. Not real easy to find. The quality is top notch. I owned an exact copy of this gun. The fit and finish is very nice, It also felt nice in the hand. I have been thinking about getting one actually. This one has no rail which I like.


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